The 3 second rule saved me this morning

You probably don't have to worry that the idiots (more concerned about somebody \"cutting into\" their gap) are airliner pilots because pilots have formal training about avoiding stupid mistakes. Who hasn't experienced the idiot driver behind who behaves highly disturbed that you have 2-3 seconds in front. You know---the driver will tailgate you in an apparent effort to get you to move over and if you don't, then the idiot makes a big effort to change lanes, pass you and then move back into your lane but in front. All this effort to arrive at a destination maybe 1/10 second earlier (if he/she doesn't get into a chain reaction tailgater's wreck first). And, of course, you then watch the same idiot's brake lights come on, go off 1,000,000 times with repetitive accelerate/brake action. I expect to encounter these and other sophomoric type of drivers on the road everyday. They probably constitute a good percentage of today's motorists.
+ 100 on that, it really pi55es me off when you try to maintain that space to then have to constantley defend your rear and front.

A while ago my wife and I were driving back from Wales on a single track road. It was 03.00am and it was raining like I had not seen in a while.
A car behind kept running up to me trying to pass. I slowed to try and let him but the oncoming traffic was constant. Eventually I pulled into a run off area as his lights were distracting me and his driving was gettin way stupid.
I let him by and carried on my journey. About 5 minutes later we found him stuck in a tree. He was standing by the side of the car in the pissing rain.
JUSTICE LMAO all that to get in front of me.

I thought this thread was about the "other" 3 second rule. I thought maybe you had dropped a piece of toast of something:D