Tell us about your political views.

small state + small taxes = me:Flash:. I think we should allow people to do whatever they want, say what they want, marry whom they want (except family and underage). Cut the administrators by 80%. Sack anyone in the state who's job title is 3 words or more long. Ban anyone from politics who hasn't worked in a paying job for at least 10 years. Everyone should go to school (or apprenticeship) until they are 18. Review and reduce all laws by 75%. All stealth taxes should be banned. Simple taxation on income and purchase and very little else.

Erm....Health. All doctors visits and prescriptions to be free. All essential dental work free. However anyone who works to have compulsary health & dental insurance. No free healthcare for anyone who isn't a full UK citizen.

And there's more. Schools to be run by communities. Curriculums not to be dictated by the state. Police chiefs to be elected.

I could go on all day.....
I dont care anymore. We as humans have no say-so. We are already going into a socialist nation. Makes we want to throw up.
I am a social conservative, but a liberal in matters of foreign policy. Usually if asked, I say I am a Moderate Democrat. For me, things like the environment and our country's relationship with the rest of the world are important, as well as social values and education. I don't believe that the person you vote for must agree with everything that you believe. With that said, I voted for Obama based on his intelligence, relevance and other factors. :)
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I think I'm mostly libertarian. I usually don't care enough about politics to get involved, I just like to be left alone. I'm all over the board about social issues though.

I think there should be a reduction in government involvement in the market until someone brings up monopolies and other problems that would run wild if not for regulation.

A great number of laws in our country are overstepping the boundaries of freedom based on the fact that the loudest voices just don't like it.
This isn't always a bad thing since I know of a few laws that I would agree with even if they might be kind of unfair.

Take state-wide smoking bans for example.
As a vicious non-smoker, I love that IL is now (almost) smoke-free but doesn't this infringe on the personal freedoms of the smokers? And the businesses forced to follow this policy?

IMO this example is ok since, as I said, I'm a vindictive non-smoker. But I'm sure someone can counter my philosophy with somewhere around 10 seconds of thought:Flip:

So, in some cases, it would be nice to have less government involvement in our lives, but there are other times where we need it. ( or just really like it)

The rest of the time, just watch South Park and Stan and Kyle will usually map out my political views :D
Didn't Admin just say no politics? Well, this thread isn't shut down yet, so we better Party Like It's 1999.

I'm a liberal on social issues, conservative on economics. Arnold Swartzenegger is pretty much the only politician who practices that philosophy. Too bad he can't run for President.

I always vote Democratic though, as the social issues tend to rile me up more than economic issues (and, the current instantiation of the Republican party isn't conservative on economic issues anyway). From a social POV, I believe that as long as it isn't hurting anyone, it should be legal. More strongly, I believe that others should not be imposing their view of what is right on others. That is my major contention with social conservatives. Take gay marriage (I'm not gay): It has no impact on a straight couple if two gay men or women are married. When thousands of gay couples were married in San Francisco (30 miles from me), my straight married did not suffer. But social conservatives lobby for that to be outlawed. I really resent one group saying \"I don't like your lifestyle so it should be outlawed.\" Democrats are more tolerant, so I vote for them. This world needs more tolerance, not less.

It seems like you and I are cut from nearly the same mold! It would seem as if you've spoken for me with regards to this thread. I cannot add much more to this to formulate my point of view.

The only difference is that I may not always vote Dem. I always vote for the candidate that I believe will do the best possible job for THIS country first. This is what intrigued me with Obama because he is putting the U.S. first and will make sweeping changes for American's first. I hope he can pull off even half of what his goals are. This is going to be a much better America to live in and a country we can be proud of just that much more.

I suppose if I were making a LOT of money, I'd be leaning more republican. ;)