Tank Protector Question


Aug 1, 2019
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Grand Rapids, Ohio
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So my question is and I know it’s probably a lame one but I got a new tank protector and it’s already fall and since I live in Ohio it’s already pretty chilly here. In what temperature is it safe to adhere a new tank protector? Also any recommendations on how I install the tank protector or things to be careful of? Thank you!
Most adhesives are safe to use around 70 deg. F. Also important is making sure the area you'll be bonding to is wax/contaminant free. Most suggest using alcohol as a cleaner of the surface you'll be bonding to. Alcohol is generally safe for most automotive paint surfaces.
Depends a bunch on what type / brand protector you have...

I've had see thru ones that are removable and went on with water(as I re-call).

The tank protector I currently have is adhesive based but is removable and can again be re-installed..

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Here are my 2 cents... I bought the only one I could find on Amazon. It was nice looking and had the FZ6 logo on it. Problem was, the adhesive was total and complete crap. It started falling off within a week. I then went with an easi-grip pad that I do not regret at all.