Tank Bag Recommendations

I've had a Coretech that I've used for five years now and the padding on the bottom is starting to wear out. I've been happy with it as it is expandable and has a map pocket that I can attach. The down sides are it is pretty big and I've been wanting to go with something smaller. I've also been looking into the tank-loc style with Givi and Coretech having a style like this. I guess the thing is most of those look big and I'm wanting to go smaller.

I have been looking at the Joe Rocket Manta or a MotoCentric bag that is similar to the JR one. I'm divided because these are magnetic and I'm wanting to get away from that style for fear of scratching my tank up. I didn't care as much about this before.
PS: This is a retarded question. But are magnetic bags JUST magnetic as the only way to hold it to the tank? Do you ever worry about these falling/flying off? And would you recommend one of these over one that straps to the tank?

It's not retarded question. My tank bag fell of from my VT750C while crossing the bridge on highway. I've catched side wind which blow me to next lane and when i tried gently correct my line, tank bag fall off. Thankfully I've got "security" strap attached to center of handlebars and tank bag, so it only fall to side of motorcycle and i could safely rode further to place where i could stop and put it back.

It's good idea to attach strap somewhere to prevent bag flying off the bike, especially on highways where stopping by and picking up something from middle of the lanes can be impossible.
Recently rode tail of dragon and cherohala skyway and had to pack saddle bags for the trip. Although they worked great, I dont think they really make the fz look really "pretty" haha. So I've been interested in tank bags since then mainly for aesthetic reasons. Plus I dont need 2 saddle bags for a one day trip..but you cant just have one saddlebag. Anywho, here's the one I've been really interseted in. Mainly b/c the fact that it can easily convert to a backpack and seems to store about what I would need. Anybody have this or heard of it? Also my saddlebags are cortech sports, so this would match..sortof.

Cortech Super 2.0 12-Liter Tank Bag - Street Bike - Motorcycle Superstore
I've got a Joe Rocket Manta XL and it's large enough to carry a few things and still allows me to tuck under the shield. I do have a Puig screen though which is a little higher than stock. Great bag so far and it doesn't move at all, and doesn't scratch the paint either.
Mine is a rapid transit. It has a clear lens for a GPS and for a map. Also a built in kamelback with a long straw. I recommend it. Had mine for 5 yrs and it's still going strong.
As far as it scratching your paint on the tank, just get some bug guard that they use on the hoods of cars. It's clear and very easy to apply.
My Manta hasn't caused any scratching on the tank. Stays put very well with the magnets too, even in high winds and all.
I'm picking this guy up tomorrow. I'll let you know what I think. I chose it because of it's modularity and positive reviews

MotoCentric Tower GPS Tank Bag - Street Bike - Motorcycle Superstore

Well i received this bag and I'm returning it. Nothing wrong with the bag per say, just a really bad fit on our gas tanks. The back end of the bag kind of hangs off the tank hump a bit so the magnet pad doesn't lie flat. because of the this the bag itself flops around a bit from left to right. Probably going to go with a Givi tanklock.
Well i received this bag and I'm returning it. Nothing wrong with the bag per say, just a really bad fit on our gas tanks. The back end of the bag kind of hangs off the tank hump a bit so the magnet pad doesn't lie flat. because of the this the bag itself flops around a bit from left to right. Probably going to go with a Givi tanklock.

Thanks for letting us know, let me know how the new one goes!