Swine fever..media hype or a global concern


Riding the Big Honda
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Aug 25, 2008
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Just wondering what peoples veiws were on this..the mexicans got it bad,2 cases now found in Scotland but not life threateneing..the news channels are all over this and drawing some pretty horrific comparisons to global pandemics of the past.

The global economy is already on its ar$e and this is just another kick in the balls..i just think the media coverage should be more tactfull in these delicate times...your thoughts............................
The media always hype up the news. How long is it since there was any sort of good news that made the headlines/No.1 spot on the TV news or in a newspaper? All doom and gloom which makes people watch/read.

TBH I'd go as far as to say that the media hype over the credit crunch and terrorism has added to fear that people have, and to a great extent has added to the problems faced by all.

Remember the so called expected SARS epidemic of a few years ago or the CJD/BSE scares. Nothing has materialised, but again I don't see any of the media saying... "oops we blew that out of proportion...." By the same token I can't see anyone buying a newspaper bearing the headline which read "a few dozen people in the world may get flu and die", can you? Doesn't make for great sales really.
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I can hardly see how 1,000+ cases and 100 confirmed deaths is "media hype".

This is just another antiviral resistance disease to come out of a lab and kill people. Seems to happen every 5-10 years.
it hit in 1918 it was called the spanish flu.then again 2-04-1976 a soldier died from the swine flu.now we have this new outbreak.:confused:
I can hardly see how 1,000+ cases and 100 confirmed deaths is "media hype".

This is just another antiviral resistance disease to come out of a lab and kill people. Seems to happen every 5-10 years.

because it's in the headlines of every newspaper on every news channel that's around at this time. I haven't seen anything of the fact that 197,000 people died of measles last year *shrug* perhaps it's not newsworthy that people can die of something avoidable. I haven't seen anything for the past 5 years indicating that the 197,000 is less than the 750,000 that died in 2000. Wouldn't really sell papers would it?

It's only worthy of being news if it's bad news and hyped enough to sell a paper, or get the news channel to the top of the rankings.
Newsflash! People die!

Death is inevitable. Everybody panic!

Remember SARS and the panic over that? Now we have Swine Flu, which to its credit, is actually something of a dangerous disease. Unlike SARS, the swine flu deaths aren't just the elderly, sick or very young.

It's good that people are being made aware of it, but we do not need 24 hour coverage of this.

And frankly, whenever I see a big media scare like this, I wonder what black ops or shifty politics are happening and not being reported on.

Aye but conspiracy theories are conspiracies in themselves, so I can't believe in them, otherwise I'd have to believe it was about population control :spank:
almost 200 US Citizens a day die from the standard flu strain everyday...why is this such a big deal?

200 a year maybe.
Even then the majority of those are from young children, the elderly, and people of general weak health, and are compounded by other illnesses.

Just heard 40 confirmed cases in the US, considering the size of the US I have a hard time being concerned about 40 cases. I wouldn't even be concerned if it were 40 in my state, there are a lot of people in the our country. If you looked at this in a percentage base I wonder how many zeros after the decimal you would have before you hit a whole number? 0.?????? percent of the country have confirmed cases of the swine flue.

Media is getting bored with their gloom and doom financial stories so now we have to have a gloom and doom virus story. Wonder if the media can make people sick like they made them poor? Keep telling people something long enough and people will make it be true.

Herd Mentality :(
remember how bird flu was going to kill us all and society was going to colapse. . . . same thing nothing will happen
Hype from the media - right now.

However, us in the medical community are taking things pretty seriously and are keeping tabs on things with a very guarded eye. We had a pretty large planning meeting with key folks in the hospital this morning. Our stance is to be proactive rather than reactive.

And - wouldn't you know it - I came down with a cruddy sore throat this afternoon that is progressing pretty rapidly into a cold... :(
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Sounds like most U.S. cases are mild and people are fighting it well enough. I think it's just one of those types of sicknesses that easily spread and if caught by someone with a weakness (elderly, immunity problems, already sick, etc) then it could really cause some havoc.

I think that is the main concern.

I would say if you are in current average health and seek some normal medical attention (if displaying signs) then you have really no worries.
We're already long overdue for a global viral epidemic. I dont think it'll be much of a problem to be honest, but things could change for the worst if the virus mutates in such a way to allow for human to human exchange (if it hasn't done so already)..and worse still...can do it easily and quickly.

The media hyped up the bird flu that we had 2 years ago in the world...it sells papers when you hype these things up! This so called pandemic (not really a pandemic yet eh!) may be hype..but I sure wont be taking that risk. I've already raided the medical masks...if things get worse i'll be loading up with medication for the symptoms (of course no virus can be treated etc etc etc...)

WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hype from the media - right now.

However, us in the medical community are taking things pretty seriously and are keeping tabs on things with a very guarded eye. We had a pretty large planning meeting with key folks in the hospital this morning. Our stance is to be proactive rather than reactive.

And - wouldn't you know it - I came down with a cruddy sore throat this afternoon that is progressing pretty rapidly into a cold... :(

Which could so easily be work related or the old mind causing you to get sick due to the circumstances.

Sure being a Doc/Nurse you'll be absolutely fine...just dont go to work if ya keep getting sicker...no point spreading it! :spank: :rolleyes:
Sure being a Doc/Nurse you'll be absolutely fine...just dont go to work if ya keep getting sicker...no point spreading it! :spank: :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

definatley call in sick.........and go ride! :rockon:

In all reality all you can do is use some common sense, wash your hands, keep your fingers out of your mouth, drink lots of beer, i mean water......
Sure being a Doc/Nurse you'll be absolutely fine...just dont go to work if ya keep getting sicker...no point spreading it! :spank: :rolleyes:

definatley call in sick.........and go ride! :rockon:

In all reality all you can do is use some common sense, wash your hands, keep your fingers out of your mouth, drink lots of beer, i mean water......

Bring this doctor a beer!! :) :thumbup:
Why we're not all going to die from Mexican Flu, by Drew Curtis age 7. Bonus: Headlines of the Week 4/19 to 4/25
Posted by Drew at 2009-04-27 02:28:07 PM, edited 2009-04-27 02:41:54 PM (161 comments) | Permalink
Finally, something of substance has appeared in the news. Swine Flu will kill us all. EVERYBODY PANIC.

First off, I mentioned this in [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Its-Not-News-Fark-Media/dp/1592403662/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1240856430&sr=1-1"]my book[/ame] in the chapter on Media Fearmongering (which, if you read it, you're already recognizing the signs in MSM today). The problem with being the guy telling everyone not to panic is that if you're wrong, you're an idiot. As opposed to being wrong when predicting the apocalypse, in which case everyone just laughs at how silly you were for predicting the apocalypse. If you want to win every argument with no danger of coming down with "Long Term Idiot Stigma", be a consummate pessimist. If you think about it, probably every argumentative ******* you've ever met is one.

Here's why you shouldn't panic:

- The Mexican Government estimates that 86 people (or more) have died from Swine Flu. Okay, that's tragic. But why the hell are we taking their numbers at face value? For starters, if you read the fine print the death numbers being tossed around are estimates. There are 18 confirmed deaths so far. Which ain't awesome, but it's a damn sight better than a hundred.

- In quite a few articles I've read, I've seen statements to the effect of researchers aren't sure why the cases in the US and Canada appear to be milder than the ones in Mexico and none have resulted in death. I know we'd all like to pretend that Mexico has its act together, but last time I checked Mexico was a third world country with third world healthcare. Do the math.

- Speaking of no one having died in the US and Canada, not only has no one in a first world country died from Swine Flu yet, but so far no one's even rumored to be in danger of dying. And most of the confirmed cases got better on their own after a few days at home. EVERYBODY PANIC

- It is no doubt a source of great disappointment to MSM that they can't add that Swine Flu is "drug resistant" or "there's no known cure". Because it's neither, it responds to Tamiflu and other treatments. Yes, I realize there are distribution hurdles in the event of a huge outbreak, but currently it's not an issue and I don't expect it will become one.

PS: if anyone is offended by my portrayal of the Mexican Government and their suckasstic healthcare system as a bunch of 3rd world incompetent boobs, which they are, you'll get over it

You won't see this discussion in MSM because, as humans, we're primed to act on fear. It's human nature. MSM is a reflection of what people are reacting to, not a reflection of what's actually going on in the world. People click the hell out of fearmongering articles, so MSM keeps running them. That, and no MSM outlet wants to be the guys who "didn't see it coming". Buncha pansies.

The problem with making fun of MSM pandemic reporting is that eventually there's going to be a pandemic. You don't have to be Nostradamus to make that call, it's as likely as War, Famine, Taxes, and me drinking beer after dinner (or during). So, although I put myself at risk of contracting "Long Term Idiot Stigma" by saying it, let me be the first to tell you this ain't the big one.

Don't Panic.


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