Stupid vs. Stupid. Stupid....wins?


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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I'm confused. :confused:


But this is pretty wild....

[ame=]Extreme road rage - Car tries to take out bikers! - YouTube[/ame]

1:55 with the crowbar takes the cake imo lol wow...
To be honest, sure the car diver was apparently a tool, but the bike rider is lucky to be alive....

If I got a vendetta every time a cager accidentally or deliberately endangered my life, I'd never be at peace.

Much better to have put it down to a stupid cager and learned from it.

Once they'd parked, and the bikes were in front of the car, I kept expecting the cager to nail it and take them all out.

Discretion definitely would have been more appropriate.

A bike rider will NEVER win against a determined cager.....

At least the guy was arrested, I wish they would charge him with about 10 counts of attempted murder
I've watched the video several times now and I think I figured out what provoked the bikers and the cager.

At about 12sec the camera bike swerves and gets on his horn, either the car tried coming in his lane or the biker was just being stupid. But at about 25 sec you see the car pass within about a ft of the biker in his lane, I think that's probably what started it all, or at least what pissed the bikers off.
1:55: awesome... the whole thing: beyond stupid and totally unnecessary and easily avoidable :don'tknow:
YT description:
A group of bikes were riding in Omaha, NE this weekend when the driver of a car decided to try and drive them off the road. You can see several times when the driver attempts to wreck the bikes at 60+ MPH. It's unknown what provolked the driver of the car.

Driver was arrested for drug charges, nothing related to the bike incident.
Wow..I actually felt myself getting worked up when I watched that video. Unbelieveable that the biker didnt go down at the one point when the car actually did hit him.

I cant believe the bikers didnt beat the ever loving p1ss out of him when the group all pulled over to the side of the road. Pretty sure I wouldnt have been able to control myself after my life was deliberately threatened. But they were foolish to keep badgering the guy. Should have just left him in the dust and called it quits to avoid any potential life changing events.

Thank god that piece of trash was arrested. Hopefully he gets put away and abused in jail.
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What happened before the video started? I get the feeling that they were swarming the road, and made the driver uncomfortable. Did they both escalate things beyond where they should have ended? You bet!

The guy in the car didn't get a beat down because there was a cop behind them.
X2, just get the F away from the dude and go on your merry way. Yes the cage was crazy, but the bikes didn't need to keep on him after they found that out.

Yup, the bikes very quickly went into that "mob" mentality where everyone all the sudden gets tougher then they actually are knowing they have a whole group behind them to back them up. Even though the bikers were acting like a mob I don't find any excuse for the cage driver to act like he did, he very easily could have just cruised right along and ignored what ever provoked him and they probably would have left him alone, or he could have got off the interstate and drove to the closest police station or just called the cops for that matter. But since he was arrested for drug charges he was probably also stoned and not thinking straight.

Then on the other hand the bikes could have done the same thing and ignored what ever provoked them, or as others had said, they are on crotch rockets, just leave him in the dust and get the hell on down the road.

Also I don't like all the editing done in the video, it would have been interesting to see the whole thing. Might have been able to see what actually started it all instead of just guessing and also could have been able to see just how long the bikes stayed with the car and more then likely taunting him for quite some time maybe?
If I got a vendetta every time a cager accidentally or deliberately endangered my life, I'd never be at peace.
:thumbup: I try to get away from them (speeding up, slowing down or turning) and then go back to the serenity of riding.
Just watched it again. I guess there were two points when he didnt just come close, but actually hit the riders! I cant believe they didnt go down. Maybe its easier to stay up after a swipe like that than I thought?

The more I watch this the more I see that the bikers really were being bullies and pushing their luck. I know for sure I would have been gone immediately if I came across someone that unstable on the roadway. You never know who you are dealing with out there.

Getting your pound of flesh is definitely not worth your life.
ATGATT :). Seriously though, insane... if a dude in an old POS cage is pushing you off the road, I'd get the hell away, not that I don't feel for them.
I cant believe the bikers didnt beat the ever loving p1ss out of him when the group all pulled over to the side of the road. Pretty sure I wouldnt have been able to control myself after my life was deliberately threatened. But they were foolish to keep badgering the guy. Should have just left him in the dust and called it quits to avoid any potential life changing events.

you can see a cops lights flashing against the concrete at the end of the video when they are stopped
X2, just get the F away from the dude and go on your merry way. Yes the cage was crazy, but the bikes didn't need to keep on him after they found that out.
Yeah, well said (and often harder to do). Reminds me, in a way, of a few cases of bar "forum rage" lately.
ATGATT :). Seriously though, insane... if a dude in an old POS cage is pushing you off the road, I'd get the hell away, not that I don't feel for them.

I had a similar incident where a car rubbed me on my right in my lane and the dude kept yapping away on his cell phone unperturbed. I really wanted to take a crowbar to his face but the weather was too damn nice to be wrecked on numbnutts.
WALK AWAY FELLAS, there are too many crazies , easier just to change lanes and avoid them