stupid harleys


Proud Dad
Aug 31, 2008
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Santa Rosa, Northern california
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i was going home from work today, there was a group of harleys riding about 8, it was slow traffic but damb they ride slow going 45 50 in a 65. I followed them for a bit to see if anybody would react. i went to the slow lane once there was a chance i tried to split the lane but i got nothing they didnt slow down to let me threw or at least get ot of the way, they werent even in a proper formation.They just kept goin should i have just past em up? i felt like it would have bin a rude to, plus risky since they didnt move over to let me split the lanes. all they did was HOG the lane i mean i move when i see a bike going at a faster pace then me they didnt care what would you have done?
I know what you mean about those SLOWWWW Harleys. I went on a ride a few weeks ago with a friend, and the Harley guys were going slower than the cagers.
Puck em' if they can't use their mirrors, blow on by. They hate the 2Bros which makes it even more fun to rip on by.
Anytime bikes slow down cagers it rubs me wrong. Sorry for not sugar coating it- they just piss me off :)
I'd have waited for a good opportunity to pass, if they were going that slow a high whine in 1st gear to red line while passing might have woke-um up. :thumbup:
Maybe their bikes vibrate so much that they can't see in their mirrors :rolleyes:. Just because they are driving slowly does not mean they should not remain aware of their surroundings - after all they are still on a bike and vulnerable.
:shakehead: oh yippee! another "harleys are horrible bikes and their riders are idiots" threads. my day isn't complete without one of these. just to make the day full, could we start one about how all sport bike riders are dangerous and don't care about the people around them... how they all speed, do wheelies, stoppies and only where flip-flops, shorts and t-shirts with their full-faced helmets? that would be AMAZING!
Harley owner here,,,and a teacher,,,you spell like that and call someone else stupid?

I've noticed that too on this forum :confused:
When my english spelling sucks I can at least say that my native language is dutch, but I notice a lot of american users that use some strange way of typing, through->threw :confused:
I've noticed that too on this forum :confused:
When my english spelling sucks I can at least say that my native language is dutch, but I notice a lot of american users that use some strange way of typing, through->threw :confused:

many great literary artists misspell words in their works in order to make a statement. I would just guess that you are in the presence of greatness.

That is my number 1 excuse for myself. The 2nd is I am just typing to fast. The third is I never got good grades in spelling why start now.
:shakehead: oh yippee! another "harleys are horrible bikes and their riders are idiots" threads. my day isn't complete without one of these. just to make the day full, could we start one about how all sport bike riders are dangerous and don't care about the people around them... how they all speed, do wheelies, stoppies and only where flip-flops, shorts and t-shirts with their full-faced helmets? that would be AMAZING!

I hate stereotypes, but they do come from somewhere.
Not all Harley riders do this, but I do see a lot that do.
Not all sportbike riders are squids, but there are a lot that fit the description.
Truth is, there will always be exceptions. Yesterday I saw a group of sportbikes riding like idiots. Hogging three lanes, and riding slow. Total squid outfits too.
A few days ago I met a Harley rider that I talked to for a while about bikes, super cool guy. Used to race 250s.

Back OT, I would have turned and went another way. I hate following groups of riders. Whenever I see people riding/driving like that I just go another way.
I hate stereotypes, but they do come from somewhere.
Not all Harley riders do this, but I do see a lot that do.
Not all sportbike riders are squids, but there are a lot that fit the description.
Truth is, there will always be exceptions. Yesterday I saw a group of sportbikes riding like idiots. Hogging three lanes, and riding slow. Total squid outfits too.
A few days ago I met a Harley rider that I talked to for a while about bikes, super cool guy. Used to race 250s.

Back OT, I would have turned and went another way. I hate following groups of riders. Whenever I see people riding/driving like that I just go another way.

Couldn't have said it any better !!!
I think you did the right thing. Contrary to what I like to pretend, we don't actually "own" the road, we're just sorta borrowing it. I had a similar situatuation yesterday following 2 slooooow harleys - the ones with the huge fairing and windshield - Road King? - dunno much about Harleys. Anyway, very slow in the twisties, but it seemed at least one was a new rider and I was afraid blowing by her might spook her into something stupid. As discretion is the better part of valor, it also bests blasting through the twisties and startling a noob.
:shakehead: oh yippee! another "harleys are horrible bikes and their riders are idiots" threads. my day isn't complete without one of these. just to make the day full, could we start one about how all sport bike riders are dangerous and don't care about the people around them... how they all speed, do wheelies, stoppies and only where flip-flops, shorts and t-shirts with their full-faced helmets? that would be AMAZING!

you're the one trolling a bit there mate.

the original poster said nothing against every harley rider ever. he was just talking about those of em that go slow and slow down traffic and was complaining about one group in particular that he had an encounter with.

there is no need to be snippy when the original poster was entirely reasonable in his post. he was not stereotyping anyone.
:shakehead: oh yippee! another "harleys are horrible bikes and their riders are idiots" threads. my day isn't complete without one of these. just to make the day full, could we start one about how all sport bike riders are dangerous and don't care about the people around them... how they all speed, do wheelies, stoppies and only where flip-flops, shorts and t-shirts with their full-faced helmets? that would be AMAZING!

Pretty cool, huh Dean? Yeah they do pretty much suck. That is... poge Harley riders and dumb ass squids.

Have a nice day! :thumbup:
The Harley riders I ride with, on occasion, could care less if you pass. If it were unsafe or questionable then please wait and do so when it is safe.

As for me... a group of them, although I may not like it would just fall back (away from the group) and enjoy the slow ride. I don't want them to think I took upon myself to join their group.
I stamp harley H's with lines thought them on the side of my tank like the P-51 fighter planes did!!!!! lol sorry just had to add my humor.
In all seriousness, minus the spelling and stereotypes, I do want to know if there's "etiquette" when passing a group of slow Harleys/cruisers. I'm a new rider and would like to know if I do anything wrong when on the road. My gut tells me that as long as I'm safe when passing, it's all good. But do the Harley guys take offense when sportbikes pass them?
In all seriousness, minus the spelling and stereotypes, I do want to know if there's "etiquette" when passing a group of slow Harleys/cruisers. I'm a new rider and would like to know if I do anything wrong when on the road. My gut tells me that as long as I'm safe when passing, it's all good. But do the Harley guys take offense when sportbikes pass them?

F NO! Who gives a rat's behind what they think?

Honestly if they think or we think they are the pillar of the world, this world has major problems.

Just ride by...