Stone hit me on the knee

Rock on the knee? Oh dear...

That reminds me of this one time when some kind of "shrapnel" hit the front of my boot.

Good thing my boots are steel-toed, because that rock or whatever hurt like hell.
Wait a snake a squirrel and two birds WOW that is crazy the only living things ive hit are bugs but how did you react to that snake

Lol it wasn't all the same time, probably over a 5 year period. The snake actually knocked the wind out of me a little. The guy in front and I pulled over right after. He was like," Dude, did you see the snake I hit?" then he looked at my gore splattered jacket and just started laughing lol.

I ride the national forest down here a lot. Wonderful twisties and very few LEO's... and loads of wildlife critters.:eek:
I took a bee in the mouth once and swallowed it. It actually taste pretty good.
That's one of the main reasons I hardly ever ride in jeans anymore, I get fed up with stinging, bruised knees and jeans soggy with insect guts.

There was a dead deer in the middle of the road when I was riding home one night last week, I don't know what had hit it, but it looked like a grenade had gone off inside it!