Steve Fossett RIP

RIP Steve.

The only way the speculation will end is if they find remains and can positively ID them though. Many still believe he faked his death and without the remains, it will only fuel them further in their obscene quest for conspiracy. Sad but true....

I hope they find him soon and end all the madness.
Yes, RIP Steve. He was quite and adventurer and always pushing the envelope to see what can really be done.

I don't know if they will find his remains. Sounds like the plane flew straight into a mountain and was obliterated on impact. There is so little wreckage intact it is unlikely they will ever be able to make a positive ID, which I feel is exactly the way Steve wants it. :D:D:D

Strange how the plane is practically vaporized but three forms of ID made it out almost unscathed...
Strange how the plane is practically vaporized but three forms of ID made it out almost unscathed...

ok don't want to start a flame war here, but this reminds me of the Pentagon on 9/11... And I agree, as long as they don't find any remains...
^ unscratched? actually they were pretty torn up if you watch the news and notice the pictures they show.

Sadly i've never heard of him until this mishap but at least i can say now that i have respect for him and his adventure seeking habits since if I had the fortune to do so, i would so be following his footsteps. RIP.