Starting Tomorrow


Mrs. Reiobard
Mar 28, 2008
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Hillsboro, NH
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you all will be seeing a lot less of me on here.

I start my new job!!!!! Finally! After 4 months, $50 in postage, 37ish applications, and 3 failed interviews, I finally got offered a job as a special ed. counselor/teacher/etc. My title is Behavior Specialist, but it is kinda on the edge of being a counselor, so sort of in my field. Anyway, I have done a similar job in the past, but now I can finally start my career!!!
**Behind every great woman is a man staring at her a$$.**

The truth of these words will make itself more apparent in the following weeks, months, and years.


Nice to see "Got a new job" threads rather than the "lost my job" threads that were happening all to frequently
Thanks everyone...I leave in about 30 minutes to go to my first "New Teacher Orientation" day. I'm pretty nervous....don't know anyone, don't know the school.... It's like the first day of school all over again, except I'm a grownup.
You'll do just fine! You'll make new friends and fall into a routine in no time. One thing about working with kids.... it is almost always FAST paced! :D

(For when you get home....) So? How was your first day?

I myself am an 8th grade English/Social Studies teacher.

Couldn't be happier with my career choice. Left a lot more money in my previous marketing career, but sense of self and satisfaction went way up.

Plus, I learn great new slang everyday, which is a bonus.

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How was your first day?

Oh, it was awkward and sorta uncomfortable just like I thought it would be. Everyone seemed nice enough, it's just tough because since this is a new position, and one that they aren't really sure about themselves, I don't really have a set agenda, so no one really knows exactly what I will be doing. it will all work out in the next couple days, it's just going to be a lot of meetings with a lot of different people right from the start, I think.

Not to mention I'm a bit nervous about dealing with IEPs and being a case manager and stuff....I've seen it all done, and I know I'll be fine, but it's all very legal, so I am paranoid about making sure it is done right.

Oh, and the other crisis has been averted - we have daycare!
Plus, I learn great new slang everyday, which is a bonus.


haha, isnt it true? I think Rob though I began talking a new language when I started working at the high school level three years ago. My mom used to use me to keep up to date on all the "cool things" back when I was in middle school and she was a middle school counselor. Too funny!