Starting expensive diet


SuperFlanker Moderator
Premium Member
Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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It will cost over a thousand dollars and will last about 6 weeks. It's called the Dr. Berstein diet. There's vitamin injections they give you and a controlled diet. All the while I'll be going to the gym again.

By the time I graduate I should be back in proper form. Near end of last season my extra weight was really affected my cornering ability and in general impeding many things.

This will be a tough 6 weeks, but it's what it's going to take. I put on 60 pounds over the past 2 years (not AS bad as it sounds since I'm about 6'4" but I definitely have picked up a spare tire around my mid section).

Wish me luck!! Here goes nothing......(well not nothing....about a grand!! wowzers)


(info here if anyone's interested )
lol, oh come on now I am capable of being a sensible adult now and again. :)

I'll post a "before" and "after" pic when it's all done. If everyone prefers, YES, I will make them nude "before" and "after" pics.
lol, oh come on now I am capable of being a sensible adult now and again. :)

I'll post a "before" and "after" pic when it's all done. If everyone prefers, YES, I will make them nude "before" and "after" pics.

cover up your junk at least. :spank:
Hay man,

Best of luck with it, i've never heard of the diet but I guess it is something similar to the amazingly sucessful diet over here called "lipotrim" which is controlled by your pharmacist.

If its as good as Lipotrim then you'll shed those extra pounds in no time!!! Just get yourself up to speed about "maintainence diets" so when you finish this diet you can stick to foods that will not give you more calories that you require in a day.

This reminds me...I should get on a diet...Starting to round up here...studying does this to ya!! :D
ya for me it was 2 years back in school and working at the same time. i used to be in really good shape. cant wait for as a fiddle playing for a local football team as well as riding!! good times all around.
If everyone prefers, YES, I will make them nude "before" and "after" pics.

I think you've misunderstood the whole, "Riding Naked"

Best of luck mate. And as Scorphonic says. Stick with the right lifestyle afterwards or it's a load of dosh down the gurgler.