

custom fz6 foot peg maker
Jul 15, 2008
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modesto, Ca
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i just bought a SpeedoHealer its in the mail. i was just wondering where do i commect the SpeedoHealer to my bike? and what should i set the % at with a 15t (-1) front sprocket? i wanted to know if anyone hade a prices % gps proven?
I am getting one of these in the new year so I can fit my 15t too.I,m pretty sure the unit is plug and play and the website has a calculator ,I think for a 15t you set the healer to -11.1% . The calculator assumes a factory error of -5.5%
come on tons of people have speedohealers, and know one has gps tested them? i found out how to install it. just want a pricese % to set it at, somone that has gps?
i got my speedohealer in today, and i tested it with a GPS. with my -1 front sprocket (15T) it is a -9.1% err. now my speedo is dead on. I went all the way up to 83mph and it is dead on! any speed my GPS said from 83mph and less my speedo was spot on with the GPS. MY odo IS ONLY READING -0.2 of a mile less then what the GPS is saying for my miles. Befor my ODO was reading kinda high with the -1 mod. so if you dont have a GPS or any way to test your speedo with a 15T front sprocket try -9.1% first.
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Theres instructions for installing it on this bike - luckily its a 10 minute job on the FZ. on my RR, its a 2 hour job just to get to the plug :(