speedo way off


Junior Member
May 2, 2013
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Buffalo Ny
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Hey guys! I have recently changed a bunch of things on my bike (Tires, mirrors, naked kit, handlebars) One thing I noticed is that I felt like I was going slower than my speedo read. I thought it was just me getting use to my new tire. I had my dad drive around the block with me and get the car up to 30 while I follow him. My speedo was reading 47. Also when I was in first gear and giving it no gas the speed said I was going 10-11 mph when normally it is 5-6mph. I was wondering if there was anything I may have done wrong when putting my tire on or something? Has anyone had this happen to them? Thanks for all your guys help!
In general it seems there is an agreed on over inflation of speed of about 10%. The speed difference you report however seem excessive.
Did you switch it into metric km/h mode? Turn the ignition on, don't start it, then press and hold the select button for a few seconds to switch back to mph.
Did you switch it into metric km/h mode? Turn the ignition on, don't start it, then press and hold the select button for a few seconds to switch back to mph.

This was my first thought too. Just checked and the math works out. You are in km/h

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Did you switch it into metric km/h mode? Turn the ignition on, don't start it, then press and hold the select button for a few seconds to switch back to mph.

I should probably check to see if I am in km too. The other day I was going 60 in a 45 and was just barely passing the traffic around. I've always felt that when I'm doing the speed limit on my bike, either I'm slow, or everyone else is speeding... but when I'm in my car, I'm the one speeding. lol
try hooking up a gps and look at the speed readout on that, they are usually pretty accurate. just compare the difference and then you know...
That would make sense cause 47kph is 30 mph. I will check it when I get to my parents house today (I don't have a garage to work on my bike so it's sitting there till I am done). Will update you guys with the fix!
I should probably check to see if I am in km too. The other day I was going 60 in a 45 and was just barely passing the traffic around. I've always felt that when I'm doing the speed limit on my bike, either I'm slow, or everyone else is speeding... but when I'm in my car, I'm the one speeding. lol

I was doing over 100 on the street, with traffic, I was like Holy cow this bike is fast... It was first time riding with the wife too.. then cars started passing me.. lol I switched it setting up the time... Good luck, hopefully this solves the problem... :thumbup:
Hey guys, wanted to update you and thank you for all your help in figuring this out. I went home and turned the bike on and immediately saw it was in kmh and switched it over!