Speed and Target Fixation

If you look at a tree, truck, post etc you will go towards it.

The basic rule on a bike is look where you want to go.

I had a (very) close call on the way to work this morning.

Basically, I went into an s-bend and made the first turn just fine, but the second curve was tighter and I was going too fast. Mild panic set in and I grabbed a bit of front brake (as a new rider will do). The bike started drifting out of the corner into the other lane where there was a very big truck heading right for me. I knew in my head to give it some welly and lean more into the turn, but my hands just wouldn't do it. I ended up missing the truck by inches.

All of this happened at about 35-40mph on roads that were mixed wet/dry.
O man...that was a lucky call, but as everyone would say to you, your alive and well after it with a lot more experience under your belt! :) Remember what you did wrong and make sure to not do it again!! :)

I've been there before...and it was a gentle bend...I just target fixed on a truck for no reason at all...other than the fact that I wasn't paying attention to what I should have been doing...looking out of the bend to were I was heading!!

Glad your ok from this one...if your unsure about a bend..slow up..use the vanishing point on a bend to judge the sharpness of it and adjust your position, gear and speed accordingly
I will never forget how my instructor in my motorcycle safety class (cheaper to take that then pay for a road test and I get to learn on there bike) would say over and over again "Puuuuuush, Puuuush and if you feel like you can't make a turn Puuuush." as much as it drove me crazy I sure hope if I am ever in your situation I remember it. The worst was when he made us repeat it to him over and over again. "Look, Puuush, lean"
I learned not to go into a corner too fast and then proceed to target fixate on the huge truck coming right at you.
Not trying to jack your thread, I had a mad moment yesterday. The roads were cold but dry, my tyres were warm ect. I was 200 meters from home on a roundabout that I am very comfortable with. When I entered the roundabout I got into position and as I was coming off my exit I saw what looked like a patch of fluid right on my line. I couldn't take my eyes of it so I know exactly what you mean. Fortunatley I did not back off the throttle and kept the lean. Guess what? nothing happened I went round just fine. It was a proper bum pukering moment though. Glad your ok.


Ps I went around again and checked out the fluid, it was rusty looking water.
I have a problem where I fixate on cars to see if they are cops or not. It is a bad habit that has saved me from a lot of tickets. I know almost all of the unmarked cop cars in town and can usually pick them out from a good distance away. I learned which ones they are from looking at the top of cars windshields and you can see the blue light above the mirror and/or mounted radar guns hanging down (we have chargers, mustangs, grand marquises, suburbans, grand prixs, impalas, and crown vics of course.... all unmarked)... I am trying to break this habit on the bike.

Also, today I was riding and got distracted b/c in my peripheral vision I sensed a person but could not see them. I was like, what the h*ll, and looked hard for a few seconds and realized that under a mailbox some one had put the lower half of a manikin(sp?) with a skirt on it and shoes. It is crazy how your mind can "see" things when you haven't even seen them.
On the road I always try to practise leaning the bike at 35-40mph so that I get used to it and know my fear limit.

you might consider going for this cornering school
Superbike School :: Discover the art of cornering

I will do once I get my finances in order and I somehow manage to explain it past the missus

Yep, that looks like exactly what I need. I'll have to pay off the bike first. :(
i'm still pretty conservative on leaning in tight turns. i know how to look in the turn, and lean into it, but i always have the fear that the rear tire will hit a rock or some hidden element and cause the tire to skip in the turn and cause me to high side. i dont like taking chances, even if the bike can, i wont simply because im not that kind of person to take a chance like that. i go as fast as comfortable, and there are regular bends and turns i find myself getting more confident, but i will never be the guy that rolls into a turn at 40 mph over the limit and fly like that. EYES FRONT always.