Speed and Strength: Moment of Truth Mesh Jacket




be wary of mesh. ive crashed in mesh pants. mesh does NOT hold up that well and can never be re-used.

leather can be used in 3-4 crashes (depending on severity of course, but even a pretty bad crash you can still re-use the jacket, I refer to abrasion resistance), and it is pretty much guaranteed to hold up no matter your speed or the length of time youre on the pavement.
Well Put SirIssac. I agree totally. It's my body and would like to live in the event of a bad crash.


I'd like to empahsize that I'm sure that Lone is just looking out for us, and that leather is a great choice. But mesh offers some advantages, two of which (cost and cool) will tend to encourage its use among riders of all stripes. No matter how well it works, it has to be better than raw skin on pavement.
Yeah, of course leather is best. Some areas have very high heat---that's why some riders will even accept the risk from short sleeve shirts and light pants (take CHP officers, for example). I would venture to say that, in some climates to ride in complete leathers, you may even risk heat stroke (if you're in stop 'n go traffic, etc.). It's a tradeoff, of course. Some will say, skin doesn't have a price and others will accept the risk in riding in mesh. It's a valid debate. Personally, I will ride in mesh in hot climate. I see others riding in shorts, t-shirt, etc., and don't lose sleep over it.
Its CE approved (whatever that means) so I'm assuming it provides some level of protection in an accident.
I would have liked to hear where the armour was located in this jacket though, in the review somewhere. (Arms, shoulders, back?)

I have to admit I have seen this kind of jacket if not this brand alot and am always a little dubious about the protection offered, despite always finding the whole leather vs textile arguement far from constructive when most manufacturers don't really provide a proper indication of protection offered unless your looking at the most expensive gear you can buy and here in Aus at least we don't really have standards to refer to in any meaningful way.
They also always seem to be rather inexpensive which doesn't help my peace of mind either.