Something that has always annoyed me.


The UNO Master
Elite Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Webster Texas
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Something that bugs the soup out of me:
Television or movie, usually cop shows, that manipulate an image on a computer with just using the keyboard and typing really fast. AND last night I was watching this happening, and this is a perfect example, they did a box zoom and then anti-alias of a paused image from a security camera. All by keyboard! I suppose they wanted us to believe they typed in the start and stop pixel X pixel coordinates to draw the zoom box? I've seen some professional people use photoshop and I think they knew all the keyboard short cuts, but they still used a mouse. Do the studios think we are all idiots or do they not understand computers?

That is all. :p
I'm right there with you.

I like my hot keys and if I can do something with the keyboard and avoid the mouse I'm all for it. However when you see them do their techno-geek-magic it makes you wonder.

It's like showing someone who is working at a computer and the screen is rolling through some crazy code and they are typing away like crazy. But then is that really any different than older movies that showed computers with all those images when it wasn't that advanced yet? Watch the movie Hackers or the original Tron again... computers didn't show images like they show, even if it's suppose to be a visual representation of what is happening.
What bugs me about tv/movies?

They show a Ducati racing off into the distance but the sound is a 2-stroke :eek:

One of the Mission Impossible movies (don't know which one) Tom Cruse is running from the bad guys on a street bike, doing burn outs and stoppies.. then jumps off a parking lot to a beach and suddenly the tires are knobbies. LOL
Yeah, computers in Hollywood land are always magical. Even more annoying than the keyboard pounding to me is the fact that they can take a horrible, 3 pixel shot of someone's face and magically produce a crisp, close-up shot from it.

Oh, and the fact that every computer in Hollywood runs some amazing custom OS and breaking into the most secure computer system in the world just takes some pimply HS kid with thick glasses 20 seconds, when in real life, that sort of thing can take months or years of preparation.
lmao we were just talking about that with my wife the other night watching "Bones"... In the show, they were looking at a big flat computer screen trying to cross reference massive databases of numbers, and the screen they were looking at had pictures and numbers floating vertically and horizontally like in the matrix movie and I started laughing out loud... my wife asked me what was up and I told her I could never be an actor in such a show because their computer screens would make me laugh my *ss off every 2 minutes :D
They were "cross-referencing numbers", so they made it look like numbers were crossing each other on the screen with beautiful colors and a futuristic look... I told my wife they really think we're idiots... like anyone would take the time to design a cool 3D looking visual interface to a data cross-referencing routine :D
lmao we were just talking about that with my wife the other night watching "Bones"... In the show, they were looking at a big flat computer screen trying to cross reference massive databases of numbers, and the screen they were looking at had pictures and numbers floating vertically and horizontally like in the matrix movie and I started laughing out loud... my wife asked me what was up and I told her I could never be an actor in such a show because their computer screens would make me laugh my *ss off every 2 minutes :D
They were "cross-referencing numbers", so they made it look like numbers were crossing each other on the screen with beautiful colors and a futuristic look... I told my wife they really think we're idiots... like anyone would take the time to design a cool 3D looking visual interface to a data cross-referencing routine :D

Maybe thats the screen saver while it is doing the cross reference :p
nah they had pictures of the suspects floating around, with 3D numbers going over them and stuff... they used the COD4 graphic engine to make their cross referencing routine more exciting I guess LOL
how about facial recognition and fingerprint searches that take about 5 seconds to find a match.

that's pretty ama-zuh-zing

Especially, since for both of those they pull the image of the fingerprint/face and compare it on the client computer. Horribly inefficient and pointless.
Photo manipulation on TV in particular. They constantly take an extreemly low res - low light security image and 'tweek' it into a near hi-Def close up of a perp's face. If the pixals aren't there, there are no pixals to enhance.
Photo manipulation on TV in particular. They constantly take an extreemly low res - low light security image and 'tweek' it into a near hi-Def close up of a perp's face. If the pixals aren't there, there are no pixals to enhance.

Yep, that's why I always literally laugh out loud when someone on TV or movies "enhances" the image. Look at the reflection on that person's glasses, then invert through the raindrop and enhance and there's the suspect! Always makes me think of that scene in Super Troopers:


"Will you just print the damn thing already?"
I'm going to show my geek here....:spank:

Super man doesn't fly he jumps really really far. "Able to Leap tall buildings in a single bound."

Computers are getting faster and the processing power and programs are able to do now what was thought of to be fiction mear years ago. I am always amazed at things that are real as appose to what was just fake.
I'm going to show my geek here....:spank:

Super man doesn't fly he jumps really really far. "Able to Leap tall buildings in a single bound."

Computers are getting faster and the processing power and programs are able to do now what was thought of to be fiction mear years ago. I am always amazed at things that are real as appose to what was just fake.

Powers and abilities of Superman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Flight - Ability to propel himself through the air at will. Has ranged from simply being able to jump great distances using his superhuman strength, to being able to accelerate, float in midair, change direction and traverse interstellar distances without stopping.
