Some people just deserve to enjoy their stupidity


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May 5, 2012
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So I have a new co-worker who is a new biker.

Low and behold he got himself a Haybusa as a first bike, LOL

After putting the first 20 miles on the brand new spanking bike, he crashes into a car.

What's worse he doesn't even have a licence only a permit.

Now his insurance is close to few $k a year. I think he mentioned that he pays $1000 a month lol.

After spending all the money on the new bike and the crazy high insurance, he has little to no money left to get himself any gear.

- He decides that riding in shorts, a tshirt, sneakers and a cheap-o $40 helmet will be enough. Ohh wait gotta protect the little piggies! He got himself some leather gloves. Now he is invincible! LOL

Now he can't even do a freaking 8 figure on his haybusa to pass the moto license test ride.

I thought that the tales of a flip flop wearing bros on liter bikes was an urban myth.

Now I have to work with this genius.

This sounds like the guy who ran his new 'Busa off of Bear Mountain his first time out, then crashed it (to bike's death) two more time limping back home.

Common sense is sadly all to uncommon. Those 'gents' in t-shirts etc, laugh when I wear all my vented gear during the summer, then I take a look at their 4" chicken strips and have the last laugh :BLAA:.
Pretty insaine the stupidity out there these days. I have already seen enough and summer has not even started. :eek: I guess no brain no pain!
I've herd of some manufacturers requiring or offering a advanced driving course before you can purchase their car, mainly supercars. If manufactures and dealerships of motorcycles did this for ss bikes I think it would be a great thing.
Not much different than the rider of a certain brand of bike I constantly see motoring down the highway with their wife/GF/SO in the passenger spot wearing the cereal bowl "helmet" (if lucky), a tank top and completing the ensemble with a pair of sandals. And try not to think about what the pavement will do to those fleshy arms and legs or how those toes will get ground down to nubs. Nothing says "I love you" like letting the person you really care about be comfortable and express their individuality regardless of consequence. One can't be expected to show up at the bar encumbered by all that safety gear. :eyebrow:
It amazes me every time I see a textbook squid, but not uncommon to see a liter bike with a rider wearing nothing but a T-shirt, cargo shorts, tennis shoes and a helmet on the interstate at 80+ mph.
Makes me cringe to see the wind blowing up their squiddy t-shirt exposing the tender skin on their backs.

I have to believe that the thought never crosses their the asphalt would feel sliding on your naked back at 80 mental image of that is all it takes for me to put on my armored riding pants, armored jacket, armored gloves, armored riding boots and Snell full faced helmet every single time I matter if it's 105 F outside or 35 F.
Oh yeah squid season is here!!

The weather has shaped to be quite nice in these parts. Just warm enough but super comfortable and low humidity. It not even hot enough to issue the Tard excuse "it's too hot"

In the past 3 or 4 weeks I have seen probably in upwards toward 50 supersport bikes and of those 98% weren't wearing gear. I am in amazement such a high % of idiots out there.

My favorite. I roll up to a light, wearing all my gear, behind 2 guys on the SS bikes. wearing t shirts sneakers and oh yeah gotta have those squid gloves on to protect the hands!! They took off in squidlike fashion then split the right and center lanes of an insanely busy tertiary road between a bus and probably 5 entrances where cars could move over and squash them.

I get a good laugh every time I these guys
I tried telling him to gear up, but he says that he doesnt have any money.

Meh... There is a Polish saying that goes something likes this:

If you are rich enough to own a dog you should be rich enough to own the doghouse as well.

Spending so much money on a bike and pimped out insurance he should be spend money on protective gear. Afterall thats the best insurance you can get.
I give credit to the salesman, that guy must have been real good.

Remember, new riders don't know any better. In fact, most riders are uneducated when it comes to motorcycling, and there are great examples of new riders learning to ride the correct way, and others who do not, like your co-worker.

There is hope, it's riders like yourself who needs to help educate the newbies on the importance of wearing gear, getting the proper bike, and so forth.

Your co-worker is kind of a celebrity, you should invite him onto the forum and he can learn a lot, the forum is a great way to gain information assuming that the posters have some credibility.
I have a confesion to make....... Well,....... Im a squid.... I'm not proud of it. I ride from my house to the gas station in a tee shirt and shorts. Its over 0.12 miles away with speeds up to 15mph. but Im still embarrassed when i pull up, i think peolpe are looking at me because of my cool bike..... wrong... I'm a slimy squid. :rolleyes:

i squid through town on occasion but never out of town. Ive had road rash. ive had rocks picked out of my back and elbows. road rash is like no other pain. for all of you out there the have had a little taste of asphalt...... how was your first shower??? ouch....
I got rash through my gear. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried a little on the first shower. Anymore I feel bad when I don't wear my riding pants. I'll have a jacket, gloves, helmet (ECE or Snell, I have both), riding boots, and jeans, and I'll still get paranoid on the highway.

How about when they cleaned it out the first time? Mine was mild and I still had to bite my lip to keep from screaming. When the nurse comes up and says "I'm not gonna lie. This is gonna hurt. A lot.", that's a bad day.
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im sorry but wth do chicken strips have to do with riding gear?so your a badass cus u dont have chicken strips? or maybe some people just dont feel the need to ride like an idiot and lean it that far, but i fail to see what gear has to do with anything i lean and ride my bike as far as i can with or without gear, i understand the guy the op is talking about is a moron
It was on the first page. They related chicken strips to n00b. The problem is, once you learn more about riding and get better at it, they come back. Mostly because you can take the turns faster with less lean angle as you get better. The strips were about 1" when I bought my new bike, and I'm not even coming close to hitting them, despite taking turns much faster and putting knee down for the first time on this bike.