So, this is how my day went.


wait... what goes here?
May 21, 2008
Reaction score
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
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luckily no one was hurt, three of my coworkers were there and one customer. I had left for the day and had to come back to help clean up. Usually we have a line to the door and the customer that was there would have been standing at the window at our lottery booth if we hadn't messed up her ticket hope she wins now.
Holy! What happened?
Glad everyone is okay. That's the main thing. :rockon:
The news said the lady's heal got caught on the floor board. I saw the video and she pulled into the parking spot sat there for a few seconds then drove thru the store.
Yeah we were cracking jokes before the news crew was gone "hey close that door it's drafty in here" and can we decorate the plywood wall. There was an 8 foot hole in our wall and the customer kept trying to use the door that was locked but when the construction guys where trying to board up the wall no one would use the door we opened.
The news said the lady's heal got caught on the floor board. I saw the video and she pulled into the parking spot sat there for a few seconds then drove thru the store.
About ten years ago we had a lady pull up to a bank, got her sandal caught and she cut a little kid in half against the brick wall :(

Maybe we need codes and posts that guard us against cars launching into stores and bank sidewalks from the parking lots.
poor kid, we have concrete posts in front of one of our stores because thieves have done this multiple times. This is the second time for my store but the first was over night before I worked their.
OH and on top of all this I had some old lady back into me in the parking lot while I was taking out the trash. I spilled some flattened boxes off the dolly and while I was picking them up she backed out of the parking spot over the boxes and hit me. I slammed on her truck and she stopped and apologized. This is the second time this happened last time I was one my bike there is a thread about it. I kept my cool much better this time mostly because I couldn't believe this just happened AGAIN. So now I can say I've been hit by a car twice.
That happened to a business by me.

They just spray painted "Drive through closed" on the the sheet of plywood.:D
I'm surprised, in CA, posts that block the doors are almost standard issue. lol Glad nobody was hurt!

Oh, and Ford/Lincoln/Mercury are all under the Ford umbrella. Lincoln/Mercury are just re-badged/re-grilled Fords. What can I say, I'm car brand fact enforcer. Better than a spelling freak I suppose. :D
That happened to a business by me.

They just spray painted "Drive through closed" on the the sheet of plywood.:D
haha we were talking about decorating the wall I'm gonna ask if I can do that.
Oh, and Ford/Lincoln/Mercury are all under the Ford umbrella. Lincoln/Mercury are just re-badged/re-grilled Fords.
sure are
LOL I find it a little funny how SUV drivers get into goofy situations.. like oooops I just took out an entire storefront, sorry my bad!! It's a wonder she didn't wind up through the storefront upside down! SUV drivers seem to love that stupid trick