So, I lost my job today


FZ Rider
Elite Member
Mar 6, 2007
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St.Joe/Kalamazoo Michigan
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Today I went to work. Worked hard like I always do. About 10:30 my boss comes in and tells me that the company has decided to not let me work this summer (I'm an intern/co-op) due to the economy, and that today would be my last day. I think it's pretty crappy considering to have a decent job lined up for the summer you've really got to have it all done halfway through the spring semester, and this week was my first full week of summer work.

So, my boss tells me to wrap everything up that I can and touch base with all of the engineers I have been working on things for to get everything taken care of. It's not like they fired me or something because of performance or anything and they know I'm not hostile, so you know I have the rest of the day to take care of things. I figured I would just come home and tell my girlfriend face to face, also because it is our 2 year anniversary. I really wasn't going to say anything to anyone until this evening, but it didn't exactly work out like that.

My best friend who just moved in with us had called me to ask who to make the rent check out to, shortly after I found out, so I told him but specifically said that I wanted to tell Whitney on my own when I got home and I knew he would honor that. So for whatever reason she had e-mailed me at work and I responded and was just so worked up, and she asked how my day was going, I told her in the e-mail. Then after I sent the e-mail back I tried calling her since I figured she was still at her desk, and she didn't answer. So then I continued wrapping things up with people away from my desk.

I got everything done and they let me leave about an hour early so I went to my parents house which is like 3 minutes away. My dad works at the same place I did, but he was gone today at a funeral but was home by the time I headed over there. I got over there and told my dad and he was shocked, and then Whitney called because she had gotten out of work. I told her I would call her when I headed home since I was waiting for my mom to get up since she works nights. She woke up and I told her then I headed on my way.

I get home and Whitney is talking with Matt, the friend who moved in, telling him her life story and all the stuff she's been through and she was all laughing and being all happy and crap and she didn't say anything to me. So I had gotten the utilities and cell phone bills and I sat down at the table and started writing checks. Matt leaves to go over to our other friends place and then Whitney snapped. She started going off on me how Matt knew before her and she said I would have never told her if she hadn't e-mailed me and all this crap.

I just sat there and told her I wasn't taking any of her crap especially after what happened today, and she started going on about how she had a worse day than me because some people at work wasted her time because the didn't have something done already. Then she got even more angry with me because I didn't want to argue with her and started saying a bunch of stuff about how I never do anything for her and I don't care to fight to keep her with me. Why should I have to fight to keep her with me? She acts like I've done nothing for her. I lent her money and drove her to BFE Ohio to buy her a motorcycle and let her pay me back interest free. I'm not even going to go that far into it.

So she calms down enough after I ignore her long enough for us to go and get some food for our anniversary. That goes ok, and usually after she goes off like that I just suck it up and be nice after a little bit, but I'm just so sick of it I didn't this time. I wasn't mean, I was neutral. So we eat and talk a little bit and then we come back and I park next to her, and I park in the middle of my spot, and she was over a little close in her spot. So, she starts to get out and says something about getting close enough to her car and I casually said that she was over a little bit in her spot.

Then she went bats#!t again. She started going off on me saying for me to stop calling her a bad driver and all of this stuff, completely putting words in my mouth. We come inside and I ask her what the hell her problem is and she said me, and then she said happy flipping anniversary and stormed off into the room.

Great day, huh?
sounds like you need to return her bike,
get a new job,
get a new girlfriend,
maybe get some beer,
oh did i mention get a new girlfriend? It's easier if you get the beer first then the new girlfriend :thumbup:
Man, I am sorry to hear your day was so bad.

I wish you the best on the job hunt.

As far as the relationship goes, my wife and I have been together going on 19 years now, it sounds like there is more under the surface than just the things that you argued about. If you want to make a life with her, get counseling together, if you don't then cut your ties and move on.

I wish you the best.
JeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeZusssssssssss! WOW!

All's I can say is dump her, find a new job, new place and and new girl. Sorry to hear that you day sucked that bad! I will have a :iconbeer: in your honor!
Man, I am sorry to hear your day was so bad.

I wish you the best on the job hunt.

As far as the relationship goes, my wife and I have been together going on 19 years now, it sounds like there is more under the surface than just the things that you argued about. If you want to make a life with her, get counseling together, if you don't then cut your ties and move on.

I wish you the best.

Thanks, I appreciate it. We had a big fight back in December and she agreed to counseling with me, I suggested it, but she's made no efforts to change.
JeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeZusssssssssss! WOW!

All's I can say is dump her, find a new job, new place and and new girl. Sorry to hear that you day sucked that bad! I will have a :iconbeer: in your honor!

Yea, I kinda had my friend move in as a safety, because two people can afford this apartment but I can't afford it on my own, and our lease is done the end of July.

Enjoy the beer, I'm 21 in July...
Sorry, man.

Dump her.

Start sending that resume out! What kind of internships are you looking for?

Yea, I had been at my job for 3 full years, starting into my 4th on May 5th, so it's time to make a new resume. I'm qualified to be a mechanical engineering intern (I was basically an underpaid mechanical engineer at my job for about the last 2.5 years of it), and a criminal justice/pre law intern now I have a year and a half worth of courses in that area.
Sorry to hear that you lost your job, especially with no warning. Hope things turn around for ya.

Last month, I was eating dinner at the Outback Steakhouse inside the bar, and overheard some guy saying to the bartender he just got laid off. Considering the circumstances, he had a pretty good attitude about the whole situation. He wasn't mad at the world, etc. He was just ordering several shots and a beer. So when I got my check, I told the bartender that I would take care of his tab. A total stranger, never seen him before, but it was the least I could do at the time.

Hope something good comes your way, no matter how minor it may be.



I know you are ranting and getting it out, but she sounds a little on the nutty side... but then what woman isn't? To bad they don't have our reasoning skills haha. Good luck on the job search man.
Sorry to hear that you lost your job, especially with no warning. Hope things turn around for ya.

Last month, I was eating dinner at the Outback Steakhouse inside the bar, and overheard some guy saying to the bartender he just got laid off. Considering the circumstances, he had a pretty good attitude about the whole situation. He wasn't mad at the world, etc. He was just ordering several shots and a beer. So when I got my check, I told the bartender that I would take care of his tab. A total stranger, never seen him before, but it was the least I could do at the time.

Hope something good comes your way, no matter how minor it may be.

That's awful nice of you.

I'm not mad at the company or the world or anything. I thanked everyone really nicely for the opportunity and left on a really good note, I feel. I know that is was nothing I did, since I was a good employee and my boss was upset that he had to let me go because there's twice as much work for him to do now. I hope something good does come my way, because the thing that's in the other room right now is pure evil...



I know you are ranting and getting it out, but she sounds a little on the nutty side... but then what woman isn't? To bad they don't have our reasoning skills haha. Good luck on the job search man.

I think she is. Actually, I think she's bi-polar. But also, I wouldn't characterize or stereotype all women into a group. I know some extraordinarily smart people, men and women. But all that aside, thanks for wishing me good luck!
Sorry about the job and crappy day. Tomorrow has to be better!

I'd tell my housemate that loose lips sink ships, if I understood your original post, he told your gal?

I think if you told your gal that you just wanted to tell her in person and not ruin your two year aniversary she'd change her tune... Two years is a long time to be with someone and while I am all for cutting your losses, do not let a bad day make you do something rash. Sleep on it (with her) and tomorrow will be better.

Job wise I'd try to make lemonade out of lemmons by telling folks (old professors, friends (your dad's friends) what happened and try to parlay the shocking news into some opportunity. Perhaps even your former boss might recommend you to a buddy in the same biz....guilt trip? Don't burn your bridges in anycase. Collect unemployment and regroup. Bad things happen for good reasons....
Sorry about the job and crappy day. Tomorrow has to be better!

I'd tell my housemate that loose lips sink ships, if I understood your original post, he told your gal?

I think if you told your gal that you just wanted to tell her in person and not ruin your two year aniversary she'd change her tune... Two years is a long time to be with someone and while I am all for cutting your losses, do not let a bad day make you do something rash. Sleep on it (with her) and tomorrow will be better.

Job wise I'd try to make lemonade out of lemmons by telling folks (old professors, friends (your dad's friends) what happened and try to parlay the shocking news into some opportunity. Perhaps even your former boss might recommend you to a buddy in the same biz....guilt trip? Don't burn your bridges in anycase. Collect unemployment and regroup. Bad things happen for good reasons....

No, he honored my wishes. He's got my back like that. I told her reluctantly in the e-mail she sent me before I left work, I just couldn't help it. Then she came home and found out he knew before her since he just so happened to call me right after I found out to ask me about writing a check for rent. I guess it would have probably been worse if I didn't say anything in the e-mail.

But yea, I think I left on a good note, and definitely didn't burn any bridges. My dad still works there so... I am not sure if I am eligible for unemployment. I sure did pay in. I really didn't think about it. I will definitely look into it. Thanks

If you've been a paid intern then you've been paying into the unenjoyment system. Collect while you are able.

As for your girl. I agree with whoever said to sleep on it. And if she's worth two years, I'd make another attempt at counseling...

Get your resume together, connect with folks, keep an open mind as far as what you can and are willing to do. I know that the employment situation is pretty bleak all over, so keep a positive outlook.

Best of luck.
$h!ty days... man that soo blows.. but hey, now you can go find a new job and do something else... it'll all work out.. and your crazzy girl... i wont say dump her.. you'll figure that out yourself... good luck in the job hunt... oh.. and ride safe!!!
man what a fn day..

I'm not gonna try to give you advices.. I'll just wish you good luck through this rough patch..Things will turn around