Smoke & ash


No power slides for me
Oct 22, 2007
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San Diego
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I have received a few PM's asking how I'm doing down here in San Diego because of concern over the fires. First I would like to say my family and I are doing alright, we never had to evacuate but the fire got within about 2 miles of our house on Tuesday morning. Second I would like to say thanks for thinking of us. I'm new to this forum and to have people that are relative strangers express there concern says a lot for the forum community. Thanks to you all for the well wishes.

The fires here started as a bit of an odessy for me. On Saturday I rode up to Adelanto so I would be bright and early for a Lee Parks Total control class held on Sunday. I got up to Victorville about 4PM Saturday and it was windy to the point of scary on the bike. If you've ever traveled highway 395 out here you know it's a bit scary on it own and when you 40mph + wind gusts, it get down right exciting. At the hotel that evening I saw a little bit on the TV about the Malibu fire but not much else. Sunday was an all day class day (an excellent class by the way) that wrapped up about 7PM.

I headed south and encountered some pretty good wind gusts on the 15 around the Cajon pass but otherwise things were going OK. About 40 miles from home I started smelling smoke. Within a few miles I could see the orange glow on the eastern horizon and shortly after that I was driving in smoke & ash so thick it looked like it was snowing in a fog bank. I made it home about 9:30 and found everyone glued to the tube watching this fire that seemed to be everywhere. Sometime during the night they closed the 15 down to all but emergency vehicles.

Monday was a vacation day and I mostly watched the news to see where the fire was going. By the time I went to bed the fire was about 5 miles from our house. About 2:30 the neighbor was pounding on our door. When I looked out the living room window where I would normally see San Miguel mountain was a line of fire as far as I could see. Fortunately the night air was pretty calm and the fire didn't spread much further our way. We packed up our stuff to prepare for an evacuation but it never got to the point where we had to leave. The rest is pretty much what you have all seen on TV except the interesting gray tint my bike has from all the ash.

I shot a few pictures of the fire and area around us but they were taken with my little point & shoot camera at night or with smoky haze all over so they're not as dramatic as what you've been seeing on TV.

Well, that's about it,
Thanks all.
Sheesh, the ride to your coarse sounded challenging, but wow, those fires are really scary. I'm glad that you and your family and your home are OK!
WOW the fire looks pretty close!!! I thought about you when I heard of all the homes lost and people being evacuated. glad everythings OK!!!
Glad to hear that you and the family are OK as well. I just heard today that the fire was started by an arson. Man would I love to get my hands on the a-hole that started that fire. I'm sure I'm not alone on that one.
Glad to hear you and the family are safe Larry. :thumbup:
The call came out from the Air Force Reserves yesterday for volunteers, I signed up, so I might be out your way in the next day or two. Even bought some marshmallows. :rockon:
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. Things are pretty well settled around my house though up in the north county it's still raging pretty hard. Most of the people that were out in my work area returned today. So far I only know one person who has lost a home but I'm sure there will be others as more people get to go back in and see what has burned and what hasn't.

Regarding the arsonist part, I would certainly think there would be a special place in hell for anyone who could do something like that. However, the fire near my house (there are four major fires in San Diego county at this time) was believed to have started from power lines. When it's this dry, it really doesn't take much...