Slipper Clutch & Quick Shifter??


Junior Member
Sep 4, 2008
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Wylie, TX
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Not quite sure where this on fits (mods, Technical, Track...) I have started to look at some other more track oriented 600's and had the opportunity to feel a Slipper Clutch (on a ZX6r) and a quick shifter (a triumph 675). The quick shifter was kind of a fun toy. The slipper clutch however was very cool and it got me to thinkin, has anyone fitted an R6 slipper clutch to the FZ6?? I can see where this would allow you a more aggressive approach to downshifting and corner entries on the track. Just curious if anyone has, was if difficult? How well does the Yam one work, what did it cost?
I believe that the quick shifter would be enjoyable to have on my motorcycle as well. If someone has done this I would like to know how it is done.

I am really interested in a slipper clutch, but the only ones I've seen (in my limited search) were close to $1000. A little too rich for my blood. If you've seen one cheaper, please let me know!
Not quite sure where this on fits (mods, Technical, Track...) I have started to look at some other more track oriented 600's and had the opportunity to feel a Slipper Clutch (on a ZX6r) and a quick shifter (a triumph 675). The quick shifter was kind of a fun toy. The slipper clutch however was very cool and it got me to thinkin, has anyone fitted an R6 slipper clutch to the FZ6?? I can see where this would allow you a more aggressive approach to downshifting and corner entries on the track. Just curious if anyone has, was if difficult? How well does the Yam one work, what did it cost?

you know.. at first i was like.. oh god.. :rolleyes: another one of those wishing the fz6 was an r6 threads.. but you bring up some valid track questions...

im sure its possible to fit a slipped clutch into the fz6 (due to it being a r6-derived motor and all)... the best person i can think of asking ould be oso2k.. he made the un-official list of what can fit on a fz6 and what cant... shoot him a pm and he might be able to tell you if it would even fit or not.. hope it helps :thumbup:

as for a quick shifter.. just dont pull the clutch .. that'll shift fast for ya :)
The only real advantage of using a quick shifter is that you can do it at full throttle, because the quick shifter module retards the ignition for a short time.

If you want quick shifting without one, just close the throttle and shift at the same time, it'll go in smooth as butter, then as soon as it goes in you can go wide open throttle. Takes a fraction of a second if done right.

I think the actual clutch on the FZ6 is a bit different from the R6 motor it's derived from, so I doubt you could do it without modification.
I think (could be wrong) that the R6 is hydraulically actuated clutch where the FZ6 is cable actuated.......look for a resivoir on the left bar as well as the right, that will tell you. Anything is possible if you want to spend the coin!