Six Bike pile up - 2 dead

And another here in the ACT. On our popular Cotter ride.

Gravel gets washed over the road regularly after heavy rain. Looks like storms mid week did this, taking an unsuspecting casualty today.
Not nice...just read about both of these accidents.

There was an article in AMCN a issue or so back, commenting on how bike fatalities in Australia, had decreased in the last couple of years.

It also said how, there were less younger riders getting killed, but more 40 somethings...the old, kids leave home, got more money and personal freedom, get back into bikes after many years off, get a powerful new bike, that is way more potent than what these guys rode 10-15 years ago, and down they go....

Maybe it's time for the Government to do something smart about this trend!

They have already got the younguns on the right path, with much more comprehensive rider training, more extensive testing, and the LAMS regulations, which keeps them off pocket rockets, like RGV's, KR-S's, TZR's, NSR's...

Maybe it's time to make people who get back into riding bikes, after say more than 5 years away from bikes, to be retrained, and re-tested....

I will say, i have seen some pretty frightening riding skills, or lack of, amongst fellow riders on bigger bikes, especially those riding Cruisers, Choppers, Harley's, etc...

Anyway, peace to the riders & the family's of those who have left us this Easter, and as Kazza said, stay safe people...
Further to your comments W, my father-in-law is keen to get a bike. He's about 65yo and hasn't ridden in maybe 40 years. It scares me silly. He has trouble walking with dud ankles, and his reflexes are slowed somewhat.

He's not after an R1 or anything, but even on a little Virago or whatever he ends up with, I just don't think he's got the awareness levels you need these days.

If he goes ahead with his crazy dreams, I'll be certain to take him out into some familiar and quiet territory to clock up some easy kms with him. And insist on the best safety gear!
Even if he still has a valid licence, professional lessons would be a great idea for him - would definitely need a refresher course.

My dad is the same - he's very jealous that Mike and I have bikes. He used to have bikes before I was born and would love to ride again. Scares me too.