signals, installed


High-tech Redneck
Aug 17, 2008
Reaction score
southwest michigan
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well about 50 degrees the other day and i decided to get off my @$$ and get something worth while done. so out to the barn to get some mods done. (one of my many prodjects) (and as a disclaimer i know it needs a bath badly and the pipes are not up where they belong, that will be adressed in a couple days as it did not have a hanger and i am going to make my own.)

i started with the fe i have had lost, bought another, then found. i took my time and went nice and slow as i was in no need to rush.

first got the stocker loose and before i cut wires i had to go back and check to see where the thing was supposed to be mounted. (farther back or up under the bike more, as they did not come with directions) figured which wire went to what to minimize guessing later and guessed a good length and cut it off.. and wow how much bigger it really is.


then it was just taking the time to expose the wires, strip them install shrink tube, butt connectors apply heat and tape up.





got it bolted up and double checked all lights worked and snapped several pics (i still have to get a couple zipties on the wires to hold them up i just didnt have them on hand)





with the back buttoned up it was time to swing round to the front (replacing because the mount points on the inner faring are broken, that is another story)

man i tell ya it was a little daunting to take a drill to the bodywork. but with the lights being broken i didnt have much choice.

the broken lights yes both sides where broke.



made a templete and use a lil' tape to test locations


as it is the wifes bike and we both decided that this was the best overall place that wouldnt look too out of place





the sliders i put on late last fall


then for the other big part (big to me as i have never had the tank up) to install cables for the battery tender


That is the most hardcore fender elimination I've seen. It's tiny! You may want to check the visibility of those signals all round from a cagers point of view. The biggest worry for me is someone not seeing I'm planning to turn and driving into me. Also, if the front flushies can't be seen from the front, you may want to wire in the pod-lights in the front as signals. Just my 2 pence.
I agree, pod lights are a definite compliment to flushies. Looks great though! Flushies always make the bike looks slick.
Where do you stand in the States regarding the rear reflector?
It seems to differ from garage to garage when it comes to M.O.T. time here.
the signals can be seen pretty good from 10 -20 ft back, wich if your closer than that i will probly have a problem with you anyway (not to mention i want to put a multi rate flasher in the tail light ).. i do/am planning on pods for it too. just havent gotten that far yet either. even with decent visibility on the front i still will do the pods. a little extra wont/cant hurt

and i dont know what the reflector thing is, but there is still the taillight for rear visibility. and where i am i dont have to pass inspections here,(just this state)
Where do you stand in the States regarding the rear reflector?
It seems to differ from garage to garage when it comes to M.O.T. time here.
You can buy little round ones that stick or bolt onto the number plate. You need them for MOT I know and most bikes in the states seem to have the stickon ones on their number plates. For £1-£2 each I'd rather have them than risk having to pay for a new MOT or a hefty fine! :eek: