Sidi boots... any experience with them?


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
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Being harassed by family for what i want for christmas and i've been eyeing up some Sidi Streetburners... i like them because they are practical for work... nearly look like shoes and i don't have a locker big enough for the full on racing boot.... but i'm open to getting some taller ones as well for next riding season as i plan on doing some, er enthusiastic riding, probably a track day or two, plus steel toe work boots aren't really designed for mid to high speed motorcycle crashes in mind....

I like a few of the Sidi boots tbh:


Vortice's (bit of a wishlist as they run about $500)

So has anybody had any experience with Sidi?

Thanks ahead of time!
I have a pair of Sidi Vertigo's....they are fantastic, brilliant protection, replaceable parts, etc...

Only problem's have been bottom of boot wearing out...get the ones with the replaceable soles....cause the tops dont wear out...

Have had 3 accidents in my Sidi's, all 3 times, they have saved my feet from major trauma!

Sidi vertigo = best boots on the market

Seriously I could rant about them but I'll save you the hassle. They are just fr00kin brilliant.
I currently have the Sidi Cobra Air, a step down from the Vertigo. But the mesh really makes a difference in hot weather, you can really feel the air rush through your boots. They also come in Cobra Rain, which is waterproofed. I am considering buying them for my winter boot.
i tried the Vortice and ST on when i was buying my current boots, the vortice ones are far too fiddly to use on a day to day basis, the ST is a bit easier to put on.

I went with a pair of dainese ones in the end though :)
I've got these guys (Joe Rocket Big Bang Boots):

Joe Rocket Big Bang Boots ::

They are more like actual boots with built in protection. I like the fit of them and don't mind wearing them around for a little bit of extra time if I'm walking into a store or something. Great for entry level, but it looks like your price list has a little more to work with!
Bought the Sidi Sport Rain boots. Happy with em' so far. Fit is a little big but the they are waterproof and comfortable.
I've been using Sidi Strada Rain boots for about 3 years now (maybe longer).. love them.
I've got the Sidi black rains. Have had them for about 2 years...I was told when I bought them they'd be great boots, but that they'd wear out. So far, they've been great boots and have worn very well, I've got nothing bad to say about them!
I've got the Sidi black rains. Have had them for about 2 years...I was told when I bought them they'd be great boots, but that they'd wear out. So far, they've been great boots and have worn very well, I've got nothing bad to say about them!

You use another for hot summer time or do these breath well enough for year round use?
I've had my Astar SMX5 boots for years and have gotten great service and comfort from them. The only complaint for me about them is the toe guard doesn't wrap around the front as much as the do on the Sidi boots. They got torn up a bit on the toe are so I got some of that liquid rubber you use to make tool hands and it worked great. Looks like the original finish! I'm so handy with stuff like this it'll be another few years before I get new ones LOL!

My new boot will be the Sidi Cobra. Insole,outer sole are replaceable as are all the important bits. I just need to try em on.
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Get a boot with a replaceable sole.
Only some SIDIs are replaceable (by you or a cobbler).

I heard that AlpineStars have a lifetime warranty that's really good.

I love my Sidi Adventure Rain boots.

My only gripe about the Sidi Sport Rains is that the Zipper + Velcro combo doesnt close the boot as tightly around my ankle and foot as I'd like. I would spring the extra cash for a buckle system if you could.