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The Angry Blue Mantis
Mar 22, 2011
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Here in lower Michigan it started snowing about the third week of November and has not stopped since. I think we have around three feet on the ground. I could be wrong but I don't think it has snowed this much in decades. Spring still seems a long way off.:(
We have only had 4 days above freezing in the last five weeks. Today got up to 25F and I actually thought to myself "what a beautiful day". Suppose to see 35F by the weekend Yeah heat wave! :rockon:
Here in Montreal, we haven't received all that much snow....yet. A couple of dumpings before Xmas and only a few dustings since. But it's been cold for much longer than usual and we're only about to head into yeah sick of it. And I'm not sure if the cold is to blame or a vandal, but the van's rear window was blown out this week. There goes 500$ bummer. Could have been used for some FZ bling.
Even though I rode thru freezing rain this morning im still enjoying the winter. We have had snow on the ground since the 7th of Dec.
I'm not much of a winter person during a mild winter, but this winter is killing me. All of January and most of December has been hovering around -10 to -20c. I hate it, I'm basically hibernating until spring.

Doesn't help that I bought a new bike yesterday so of course spring will take even longer to get here. I apologize to all of you, it'll be my fault :)
Being downwind from Lake Michigan can have it's disadvantages(in the lake effect belt).I'm going through withdrawal.Rode Felix ALL last winter,no money for tag on car.Praying for a thaw.Snow up the wazoo.Been so cold the snow is still fluffy,if we get some strong winds were screwed!BRRRR!
Not that we Aussies are in competition or anything

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I know what you all mean...after a month of 70º weather here in NorCal it dipped down to 58º this morning on my way to work. And worse yet, we're supposed to get showers tomorrow! :Flip:
Seriously though, I don't know how you guys stand the snow and ice. :eek:
Doesn't help that I bought a new bike yesterday so of course spring will take even longer to get here. I apologize to all of you, it'll be my fault :)

... now I feel better. I bought a bike late in the fall and thought the deep freeze was my fault. ;)

Hmmm, if bad CARma hangs over you like a dark cloud, perhaps bad BIKEma is what causes a polar vortex.
Can't complain too much after reading about you folks further north but I'm tired of winter. We got 1-2" of snow yesterday and the WHOLE city shut down!!!! I was lucky cause I got home, saw footprints in the snow of high heel shoes from some woman walking home! Have been able to ride my bike the last two weekends but not during the week. BTW most folks down here don't know how to drive in the snow - go slow and when y'all get to the slippery spot make a complete stop and then stomp on the gas!!! Works every time! I'll have to brag on my Volt as it did great in the snow and ice. Not as good as a 4 wheel drive but very good for a front wheel drive.

Bad part of weather like this is the sand and gravel that is dumped on the road - will have to be very careful for the next few months till it goes away. Saw one guy out today on a dirt bike - he moved here from Florida and said the snow was a little easier than loose sand but not much.
Just bought my bike and got it plated this weekend and I can't even ride it yet! Too salty in the GTA to take it out :(
Got rid of my 1988 Honda Hawk NT650 and got my 2008 FZ6 in December.. I have only been able to ride it twice.. Its sitting right outside the door in my garage, so I see it every day when I leave and come home.. Its killing me not to ride.. I live right outside St. Louis and the weather has been horribly cold this year. In addition to that, the communities put down cinders when there is any chance of freezing precipitation, so there are little ball bearings everywhere! Middle and side of the road, at every intersection, curve, I can see my noob ass taking a spill due to this little bastards!! lol

I can say its probably the cleanest bike I have ever seen, not being able to ride it, all I do is baby it, dust it off with a Swiffer and give it lots of love.. Cant wait for spring!!!!!!
My Winter Therapy! Although this extreme winter cold makes it rough on the hands!! That morning was a warm day, and it was -5F in the morning!. The other Morning we were at -28 F!
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My Winter Therapy! Although this extreme winter cold makes it rough on the hands!! That morning was a warm day, and it was -5F in the morning!. The other Morning we were at -28 F!

Nice! That's how I'd get through winter if I was still in the upper mid west.
I'm still riding, but if its any consolation the bike gets a full wash twice a week (three if you count the extra rinse on getting home after my last shift), its been professionally coated with ACF50, I have to run silicone sealant around the soles of my boots, and I've just ordered my second visor since mid December.

Wrapping up and taking the bike costs less on petrol, but its bloody hard work.