Showing ID Card while on a bike (Military, etc)

I have the Icon hi-vis yellow vest(comes in orange too). It has a sleeve for your i.d. on the left breast. Not sure if its military wide, but the CG changed it from required to recommended. I still wear it due to the fact its hi-vis and I dont have to take my helmet and gloves off to verify.

I use a similar hi-vis vest that has an ID sleeve. I bought an additional sleeve somewhere online and sewed it on the other breast. This allows me to have my motorcycle pass and ID card both our and visible. The base I work at does not require physical touchy-touchy to let me through though.
I keep it my wallet. The cars behind me are going to hate me no matter how fast I go.

I also don't volunteer my MSF card unless they ask for it, which adds another 5 seconds about half the time. :rolleyes:
I just use the ID pocket on my vest. NAS Jacksonville doesn't seem to want hands on for bikes. I might get it about once a month, and usually the guy just asks and pulls it out and puts it back in for me.

As for the MSF card, I have it on the bike, but I've never been asked for that. Figured I should have it just in case I get pulled over or something.

Although, looking at the one kind of "card wallet" idea, they do make those out of metal. You could buy one of those and mount it somehow. That way you could show both of them quickly if you needed to.
Just a month ago the bureaucrats on my base decided we no longer need to show our MSF card, so I'm back to using my home-made holder. :thumbup:

They've also decided, apparently, that an all-black or dark jacket is now okay again, without a reflective vest, after I spent >$400 for new Hi-Viz summer and winter coats... :Flip:

Did I mention how much I hate &$*%^# bureaucrats??
The gate guards here want to see both sides of my card so I keep mine in a clear plastic sleeve with a lanyard tied to it. I keep the lanyard hanging out of my chest pocket with the velcro flap shut over it and about 6" of it exposed. when I get to the gate I pull the flap open, grab the string and pull the whole thing out. Too easy.
I have an icon hi vis camo / yellow back pack with a Velcro id slot that goes over the shoulder of your choice retails 170 trying sell if anyone needs for a 100
All of the branches are different, and to make matters worse, a good portion of the rules are "at the base commander's discretion". For instance, if I'm going to NAS Jax, I can put my high viz vest underneath my back pack, I almost never have to pull my ID out (as long as they can see the front), they never check your shoes, etc. If I go to Mayport NS (in the same town...) then I have to pull my pants leg up to show my boots are "over the ankle", my vest has to be over my back pack ("it's not high-viz!!"), they always want hands on, and I've had them check my helmet to prove it's DOT approved. Jax is easy, Mayport is a PITA. Mayport is also notorious for ticketing riders for not wearing their high-viz vest during the day because their jacket wasn't "bright" enough. My buddy got one in his white jacket. The couple of strips of black made it not brightly colored. :Flip:

All to say, it mostly depends on how much of a douche the base commander is.

New rider. Having lots of fun on the FZ6, especially the mods. So far have the G2 throttle tube and OES frame sliders, with Motogiro's headlight mod in the mail!

Anyway I digress. I commute to work on an Air Force base and still don't have a good way to show my ID card at the front gate without slowing down traffic by taking off gloves, pulling out card, etc.

Anyone have a battle tested way of doing this? Thanks.
Maybe a little old but you already know having a reflective vest is required. I bought an Icon reflective vest which has a velcro patch on the front with a ID holder. Most of the time I just flip open the visor and they look at my vest and wave me through. On a few occasions though i do take the velcro patch off and hand it to them but this doesn't require me to take off my gloves.
I'm not sure about the other branch's, but the CG changed from required to recommended. I still wear mine to and from just for the CYA aspect.

Air Force is still mandatory with hi-viz vest, long pants, boots and long sleeve shirt. Thats crazy reading they made some people take off their helmets at the gate!

And if they want to see both sides I let them take it out of the holder, most are kind enough to put it back in for me. Some even slap it back on my chest lol. :Flip: