Should execute Detroit terrorist yesterday


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Jan 12, 2008
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Sacramento, CA
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But, not before somebody waterboards him first to see if we can't get some more info out of him. Why are we handling with kid gloves this Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab character?

But, noooooo, instead he's getting a defense attny and his "rights" read to him. What B.S. is this? Even Pres. Obama says we're at "war" with terrorism yet here we have---as far as I'm concerned---a spy, out of uniform caught in the act of sabotage/terrorism and so he should be executed just as he were a spy caught behind lines during a conventional war. What B.S. this country is! al-Qaida execs must still be laughing their heads off at how Americans are so stupid and naive.

We're supplying an attorney now to defend this guy's "rights"? What next, is every POW is going to, instead of being sent to a POW camp, get assigned a defense attny and get a big trial?

Why are we pussy-footing around?
I agree. I think a show trial is a huge mistake. What message does it send?
He did nueter himself with the bomb burning in his pants. So thats cool.

If he was wearing a uniform and it was a military action he would be very much in his rights for a P.O.W. status. However, no uniform, no declared war, and attempts to commit attrocity against a group of unarmed civillians makes him due execution by firing squad. Thems the rules. I didnt make them up, its been that way a long time and all.