Shogun 2: Total War


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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[ame=]YouTube - Shogun 2 Total War Announcement Trailer [HD][/ame]

Trailer for a game called Shogun 2 Total War.

A bit of background on the Total War series. If you enjoy battlefield epics, this series
is just that. I play very few games and the vast majority of my gametime is sunk into the Total War series. You essentially
command an army in anything from a 1vs1 to a 4vs4. Playing a 3vs3 or 4vs4 when everyone has a full army to bring to the field
results in MASSIVE battles where you coordinate with your allies with respect to movement and maneuvre, integration of units
(for example, will your team be better served with your heavy infantry fortifying the middle of your lines or charging as shock
troops into a weakened or exposed enemy flank), and other battlefield considerations. The game is, simply, AMAZING.

Why am I posting this? Because I am excited like a school girl that they are going back to feudal Japan for their next
release. I love that time period.


*makes fighting noises*


Some screenshots to give you a visual, from Shogun 1, to their most recent release, Napoleon Total War (I won't post any of Empire Total War because that game was a bit of a let-down).

Shogun 1:



Medieval 1:








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I'm with you on this lone! Total War series of games are just class, for me Medieval got me hooked, and from there Rome. See you on the battlefield! :thumbup:

Good to see another Total Warrior on these boards. Shogun will be so amazing. Can't wait.

*pees himself*
I think you are sleeping on Empire Total War. They have fixed most the glitches. I havent had any problems with it.

It is my favorite of Medieval, Rome, and Empire. Maybe its just me though since I have been waiting for a game covering this area to come out. Nothing is as good as lobbing quicklime shells on the advancing line.
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Napoleon has all the same bug fixes and graphical updates too. The game is more exciting yet very similar. Plus there is tons more unit variety. On top of all that there are reams more fixes that Napoleon has that Empire didn't get. For single and multiplayer.

Plus the Napoleonic era is way more interesting.
I can see your points and I have no comebacks about the gameplay being better in Napoleon. However, I have been waiting years for a game like this to come out covering the American story. So I am finally happy beating the French out of Canada and expanding westward. But once again I will agree with your points.

All except for the part where the Napoleon era is more interesting than Colonial America. :D

But to each his own.
Yeah, Nappy doesn't have the Americans done the same way. I can see why it still has singleplayer appeal to some. But I only play multiplayer, and Nappy is a better game for multiplayer for a lot of reasons.

In any event, new Shogun will be sweet.