Shoei RF-1000 Longevity


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Feb 12, 2008
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Melbourne, Florida
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I wore my RF-1000 for about 10,000 miles/two years and think that the upper suspension padding has begun to get worn (not talking about the cheekpads, I mean the non-replaceable padding). I've begun to experience prickly pain on the top my ears after a long ride. The tingling goes away a few minutes after removing the lid from the noggin. Thinking that the helmet may be jostling around and rubbing on my ears. This is after replacing the cheeks with new pads recently.

Anyway, how many miles/years have any of y'all got from the same RF-1000?
I've got two years and about 8k miles on mine. I was thinking lately that it was getting a little noiser and that the lower pads were a little worn looking so maybe warranted replacement - have not had any actual comfort issues to date though.
I had mine for ~2 years and 15k miles, no issues at all. I am buying a new one this weekend, that's how great this helmet is for the money.:thumbup:
Content deleted..... Scratch that..... wrong on my account.
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Only had mine for a season and a half (about 5K miles), but it is awesome.
Shoei has a 5 year warranty on their helmets so something is defective you should take send it back or take to where you bought it and see about so sort of exchange.
I don't have a RF-1000 but I have a Shoei Raid which is 5 years old, my only helmet and still fits me perfectly. I've ridden over 42,000km wearing it.
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I've had mine for about 15 months, not sure about the miles. I too think that it has gotten louder and that the padding has become worn down. It is still a good helmet though.
Hubby and I both bought new Shoei RF-1000 helmets in 2008. I only have about 6000km logged on mine. I bought it because:
1. They had my size - believe it or not my noggin is an XXS!
2. They had a decent design on them for a woman that WASN'T frilly and pink.
I find it's a great helmet, and I got it for half price online instead of paying full at the store. I also like that you can get different % levels of tinted visors for them. I wear earplugs for long hauls, but I don't find that riding without them is disturbingly loud.

I do have one issue with it that I only discovered late last year, however I'm not sure how much of it is the helmet's fault. We purchased and temporarily attached Scala Rider G4 comms to our helmets. The way it attaches temporarily - clamps on, as opposed to permanently it glues on outside. I find that the temporary set up pushes the styrafoam shell out slightly at the base, so when putting the helmet on or taking it off it actually really hurts my ears, my left ear in particular (the side the comm is on).

Hubby rates his helmet a 9/10 for longevity - he's logged 20,000km. The only downfall he doesn't like about it, there is no removable liner so he can't wash it.
I have had my RF-1000 for 3+ years and love it. Very comfortable and looks great. I'm probably ready to get new inter cushions but it still feels great. :thumbup::thumbup:
I've had mine for over two years and been worn everyday, and has over 30,000 miles on them. No issues with the padding, but the inside is starting to show it's wear. The cover lining for the retention strap is starting to rip, but does not effect the overall performance.

Because of my daily use, I replace my helmet every 2.5 years. I'm sure others can stretch them to 4-5 years, but I really don't think you should go beyond that. Not really sure if helmets have a shelf life.