Shocked,stunned & a little bruised


Sep 24, 2007
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Well last wed night I was coming home at midnight(as usual)when I came to some roadworks closing my route home so I take a detour.I'm coming up to this roundabout,just about to enter it when "bam"I hit this speedhump size bump.My hands breifly came off the bars but by the time I got them back it was too late:eek:, the next thing I know is I'm on top of the bike sliding through the roundabout.Long story short,manage to ride it home(no front brake,only 3k)got it to the bikeshop the next day(on trailer)now waiting to get it accessed.All I copped was some sore fingers & a badly corked left calf muscle(I think it hooked the gear shifter because its bent also):(
Bad luck Nobby - I highly recommend taking pictures of this hump for any claims you may or may not make.

Get 'em before the road changes too much.

Obviously there wasn't adequate lighting, or you would have seen it - so make sure you document everything and insurance may well help.

Glad you're okay! :eek:

Seems like someone didn't think that out very well. Is it actually a speed bump or is it a defect in the roadway/construction?
Not good to hear, glad your pretty much ok, +1 on getting pics of the site before its changed. I knew a guy some years back that successfully claimed against Vicroads for for un signposted holes in the road from road work, that was on a mercedes gullwing sporty thing, had cracked the chassis so he was not a happy camper, I hope you dont have big dramas.
Ugh.. sorry to hear. At least injuries are minor and there doesn't seem to be much damage to the bike :)
Glad your ok.

Sort of the same thing happened to me today, not a speed bump but cement on the road surface. Also slid a bit. Bike is kinda screwed. Get yourself right for some serious -$. Insurance will help though.

Here's the thread of my fall this morning...
Crashed - cement in road : Yamaha R1 Forum

Most important thing is we survived and we learned. :thumbup:
Bad luck Nobby - I highly recommend taking pictures of this hump for any claims you may or may not make.

Get 'em before the road changes too much.

Obviously there wasn't adequate lighting, or you would have seen it - so make sure you document everything and insurance may well help.


Big +1 on this. My future brother in law was riding his TW200 in Philadelphia when, at low speed, he hit a "ditch." This was a whole lane-wide cutout, about 3 feet long, and several inches deep. Kneecap, meet road. Broken patella. My sis took a hundred pictures and are now in the process of suing. There were no markings or signs of active work. And one day later? The hole was filled.
Glad you and the bike made it out relatively unscathed. Good luck with getting your bike sorted, and hopefully everything works out for you.

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Glad you're okay! :eek:

Seems like someone didn't think that out very well. Is it actually a speed bump or is it a defect in the roadway/construction?

Only described it as a speedhump to give an idea of size,it is actually a heaved up piece of pavement:eek:
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Bad luck Nobby - I highly recommend taking pictures of this hump for any claims you may or may not make.

Get 'em before the road changes too much.

Obviously there wasn't adequate lighting, or you would have seen it - so make sure you document everything and insurance may well help.


Done,took pics the next day:thumbup:but forgot to get some pics of my bike.I'll try & post them when I downsize them;)
Good to hear you a basically okay. As for the hump, it looks dangerous, especially when you can judge the size in the first picture with the car. At night, it must have been almost invisible.

Good luck to you and I hope your insurance will cover the damages to your bike.
No,nothing.I noticed the other day that its been repaired too:mad:Probably should get some pics of the repair;)

Definitely! And if it's been fixed, they KNEW it was a hazard, and if there were no signs before it, it wasn't a PLANNED hazard, so I strongly suggest you give them a copy of the pictures and repair quote and say "Fkn fix it" or words to that effect....

Well last wed night I was coming home at midnight(as usual)when I came to some roadworks closing my route home so I take a detour.I'm coming up to this roundabout,just about to enter it when "bam"I hit this speedhump size bump.My hands breifly came off the bars but by the time I got them back it was too late:eek:, the next thing I know is I'm on top of the bike sliding through the roundabout.Long story short,manage to ride it home(no front brake,only 3k)got it to the bikeshop the next day(on trailer)now waiting to get it accessed.All I copped was some sore fingers & a badly corked left calf muscle(I think it hooked the gear shifter because its bent also):(
Hard luck mate,
Glad your in good shape though.