Shipping vs. Fly and pick up?


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Mar 21, 2016
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So I've reached an agreement to buy an '07 FZ6. Problem is, the seller is up North and I'm in Texas. I was originally planning to ship the bike via Haul Bikes. However, I can save a decent chunk of cash if I fly up there one way and ride back. I'm pretty busy these days, so I'd have to pick it up on a Saturday and be back home by Sunday night or maybe Monday morning. It's about a 1300 mile ride. I've made much longer trips (albeit, over spans of 1 to 2 weeks), so the distance doesn't concern me too much, but going for a long ride with extremely limited tools/luggage/time to prepare makes me more hesitant.

I'm trying to think of what kind of things might give me trouble/undesirable conditions. The first that comes to mind is chain stretch. My old Ninja 500 calls for chain slack adjustments every 600 miles, but realistically on long trips I can often push that out to 1000 miles or more without too much ill effect. Would I be ok in assuming I could just push through without a chain adjustment on this one?

Are there any things specific to the FZ6 that would jump out at you as something that I should keep in mind as a new owner about to make a long-ish trip? Should I just say "Forget it" and just ship the bike and be done with it?
Been there done that, but my recent purchase was a brand new Ducati off the showroom floor. I flew up to Seattle from Reno to pick up my new bike back in mid November. The dealership picked me up from the airport. I had to fight the weather, the horrible Pacific Northwest Rain and fight through the cold over the mountain passes, praying that it was relatively free from snow. The biggest difficulty for me was to fluctuate my speed. Since it was a brand new bike, I tried to refrain from keeping it at a consistent speed. I broke up my 750 mile ride back into two days, spending one night in a hotel.

Considering your bike is already broken in, give it a thorough pre-ride inspection, and go for it. Weather should not be an issue. I recommend that you spend some time in the parking lot getting use to the bike, practice your braking, and quick stops, slow tight turns, swerving, just get use to the bike in general and you should be good to go. Have fun and congrats on your new purchase. Remember, regular gas for the FZ6,

Ironically, as I write this post, I'm currently in Texas,for business Houston to be exact. I flew, in case you're wondering.
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I wouldn't worry for a chain adjustment after 1300 miles or more, neither about other stuff going wrong. The question is would you save anything doing that? My friend shipped an FJR for about $400 from NC to NJ, so if you can do it for approx the same give or take, I'd rather ship.
[MENTION=83]VEGASRIDER[/MENTION] Thanks. I'm leaning more and more towards that I think. Might be a fun way to get acquainted with the new bike.

[MENTION=24944]2wheelieadv[/MENTION] Yeah, I did the math for each option and it looks like I'd save ~$200 by flying up there and riding back. I'd be tempted to just bite the bullet and ship it, but honestly I think it might be an enjoyable use of the weekend and an interesting trip overall.
[MENTION=83]VEGASRIDER[/MENTION] Thanks. I'm leaning more and more towards that I think. Might be a fun way to get acquainted with the new bike.

[MENTION=24944]2wheelieadv[/MENTION] Yeah, I did the math for each option and it looks like I'd save ~$200 by flying up there and riding back. I'd be tempted to just bite the bullet and ship it, but honestly I think it might be an enjoyable use of the weekend and an interesting trip overall.

As far as I don't want to discourage you with riding the bike that far, my only concern is it is a new bike to you, unfamiliar.
And for 200$, it is worth your energy, time and safe.
Are you bringing all your gear in a checked in bag? how are you going to take it on your bike, on your way home?

It is just me, I don't like long distance rides alone, just in case anything happens.

That being said, congratulations on your new finding, good luck with your decision.
Just be safe.
Honestly bro, I would ship it.

I'm all for a fun weekend ride. But hauling ass for 1300 miles in a three day weekend is like 430 miles a day at 60 mph average speed is 3, 7.2 hour days of riding. Doing it in 2 days would be 650 miles a day and roughly 10 hours on the bike.

IF it was like 500 miles id say go for it in a heart beat. But its kinda a long trip to be taking alone first time on the bike.

Your going to make your own decision but i put bluetooth in my helmet and it REALLY helps with the long rides, listing to music and i can accept calls from people while riding. just something to consider.
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Ride, baby,ride. You have 3A Premier or some other road service m/c friendly, though? Other than that, a tire plug kit with pump and, myself, I would get to know my bike GOOD!.
I'd ride it..

But then again, I've been know to pull an all nighter patching together a '74 Bonneville with trans problem so we can ride it 600 miles that weekend..

Depending on when and where you pick this thing up, [MENTION=27670]TxAg2015[/MENTION] I'd be willing to give it a good look over at my place in Marshfield, WI... if you happen to be in that area..
I'm all for riding very long distances, but this won't be a pleasant ride. Have you took into account one or possibly 2 nights of hotel stay?
$200 is not a biggie vs all of the inconveniences related to travel and running against time, and if you got the bike at a good price, you can add it to its cost.

Anyway, if you still decide on flying/riding, just get a tire plugs and $10 small 12v powered pump from Walmart. And if the bike is not equipped with the 12v outlet - in the same Walmart get a $5 (or so) car outlet so you can hook it up to a battery. It will come handy later on as well.
...And you have a chance to participate in IBA (Iron Butt Association) and become IB member if you can do 1000 miles in 24h. Just save the gas receipts and have few witnesses. :thumbup:
Thanks for all the input so far everyone!

Where's up north?

Are you bringing all your gear in a checked in bag? how are you going to take it on your bike, on your way home?
I was planning to check my riding gear and tank bag, probably in some cheap Walmart-esque bag that I could just dispose of upon arrival.

a tire plug kit with pump
Ah, good call. I need to dig mine up.

I'd ride it..

But then again, I've been know to pull an all nighter patching together a '74 Bonneville with trans problem so we can ride it 600 miles that weekend..

Depending on when and where you pick this thing up, @TxAg2015 I'd be willing to give it a good look over at my place in Marshfield, WI... if you happen to be in that area..
That sounds like something I'd do lol.
I appreciate the offer, but I'll be a little ways away from there.
The bike has less than 3k miles on it and the owners (relative of a friend of a relative...) have kept the bike in excellent shape. In any case, I'll give it a good look when (if?) I get there.

The mileage rates don't bother me so much. I've done 600 mile days on my Ninja 500, which is certainly not a machine designed for touring. I realize it won't be as fun as gliding around canyon roads, but the challenge in making a long distance is still intriguing to me. But the point about unfamiliarity is a good thing to keep in mind. I think the limiting factor will be whether I can fly out early enough to physically be able to get back in time. But I feel confident about the option of riding back after reading everyone's input.

Thanks again everyone! Can't wait to "officially" be a part of the FZ6 community, one way or another.

And you have a chance to participate in IBA (Iron Butt Association) and become IB member if you can do 1000 miles in 24h. Just save the gas receipts and have few witnesses.
That thought has crossed my mind... :thumbup:
when was the tires and oil changed?
also, get a 'go cruise aluminum' or something similar.
and a GPS probably.
Also, get the 12v car charger outlet, to charge your GPS or cellphone on the go.
when was the tires and oil changed?

This was my main thought on the "getting home" front - I'd doubt if the tyres have been changed on a 3k mile bike, sounds more like a "bought it, enjoyed it for a season, parked it" kind of bike. Those tyres will downright dangerous.

As for the rest of the idea, sounds like utter madness to me to get on a bike you've never ridden and then do a haul like that. I know you lot over the pond think differently than us europeans about distance but that is never going to be a fun, comfortable, or safe, way to get to know your new bike. There are too many people on here who have uprated saddles, different handlebars (I found the originals torture after 50 miles), different peg positions, different hand/foot lever positions to be able to claim that anyone can get on an FZ6 and be immediately comfortable.

For the sake of $200 I wouldn't contemplate it - the slightest thing goes wrong and you've lost that amount in sorting it out. Have it shipped, and get to know your new (brilliant!) bike at your leisure, on familiar ground. Just my tuppence.
This was my main thought on the "getting home" front - I'd doubt if the tyres have been changed on a 3k mile bike, sounds more like a "bought it, enjoyed it for a season, parked it" kind of bike. Those tyres will downright dangerous.

As for the rest of the idea, sounds like utter madness to me to get on a bike you've never ridden and then do a haul like that. I know you lot over the pond think differently than us europeans about distance but that is never going to be a fun, comfortable, or safe, way to get to know your new bike. There are too many people on here who have uprated saddles, different handlebars (I found the originals torture after 50 miles), different peg positions, different hand/foot lever positions to be able to claim that anyone can get on an FZ6 and be immediately comfortable.

For the sake of $200 I wouldn't contemplate it - the slightest thing goes wrong and you've lost that amount in sorting it out. Have it shipped, and get to know your new (brilliant!) bike at your leisure, on familiar ground. Just my tuppence.

I agree with you, but in case he decides to ride, those are kind of needed, to relieve the stress in your right hand for few seconds.
I believe those are original tires, so, I asked. Definitely need to get it towed/shipped if they are the original tires.
And getting used to the bike was kind of easy for me, coming from India, where I own 125cc bikes, but for him, it should be more simple, as he is coming from 500cc.
I'd personally ship it as you don't know IF THERE'S ANY ISSUES with it, maintenance, etc. The bike is NEW to you..

Motel, food, fuel etc will eat that $200 real quick...

Should you ride it home, bring a big can of good chain lube and count on every other stop lubing the chain.

AAA would be nice to have and worse case scenario and the bike dies, rent a small U-Haul and haul it home the rest of the way..

+1 on all the tire repair comments too.
Ride vs Ship, really depends on the individual. How much experience do you have riding a bike? 400-500 miles in one day is a joke to some, while others may feel it's a really long day. For me, an average day's ride is about 750 miles. Anything less is easy, anything more I can still do but I tend to get impatient and start riding faster. The only concern I would have is that you are buying a used bike. Going to pick it up, you can personally spot out any defects on the spot. Pictures do not do justice, a good look over with your own eyes can only seal the deal. Shipping it, who knows what surprises you may get.

I have flown wearing my gear dozens of time. Helmet, Jacket, Gloves, Heated Jacket, Riding Pants and Boots carrying only a back pack. It's really the only time I feel confident that I'm able to survive in the event the plane ever crashed. No need to check in luggage. Wear your gear on the plane, including your helmet.
After flipping back and forth several times, I finally decided to ship it. There were just too many moving parts in my schedule to get the logistics right. Thanks for all the input. Hopefully within the next few weeks I'll be in possession of an FZ6!