Shed building failure

This is gold. Timelapse was the best - I imagined hearing this music.

[ame=]Benny Hill Theme - YouTube[/ame]

I also especially loved the weather forecast someone posted.
Epic... Made my day. I've never been good at geography, but BC is somewhere by the equator, right? I'm deducing this from all the ventilation openings he so carefully built in.;)
Epic... Made my day. I've never been good at geography, but BC is somewhere by the equator, right? I'm deducing this from all the ventilation openings he so carefully built in.;)
I'm thinking it's so the structure is breathable so it won't blow over in a breeze.
I skimmed just looking for update pics...I'll double back and read the whole thing when I have time, after seeing the progress later in the thread.

The comments everyone makes, is 3/4 the fun! Except the last few pages of crap posts of people "checking in" from other forums.
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Should have known that was coming from the Gixxer forums. I didn't feel like reading 161 pages of troll, mind telling me how it ended?

I read about 8 pages and the last page. Being the thread is literally running for years (since 5-19-2009), there is NO FIX that I saw. I wasn't wasting anymore time looking.

Someones playing games, wasting everyones time...
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Agreed, though every time I think, no there's no way that someone is this dumb, I remember that I'm on the Gixxer forum, and think back to the kind of people who ride Gixxers (sorry any non-squids out there who do) and think - maybe, just maybe. But yeah, this one was just a Troll, and I loved it.

It did lead me over to a post on a mustang forum. Guy decided he wanted to flush out the bad oil in his '94 Cobra with a garden hose. While the car was running. Pistons seized after 3 minutes. I think that one might be true for two reasons, 1. The guy was white trash from Toledo. 2. It happened a few years ago and now his "current car" according to the handle is a Pontiac.