Seriously, WTF


Senior Member
May 5, 2008
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Huntsville Texas
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ok yeah a little rant after a bad experience trying to sell stuff in the for sale section, one member in particular first sent me a pm friday evening and posted about it, then 5-6 hours later posted again asking me to respond-first "WTF". second, asked me about 4-5 times if i would sell for his "offer", when i say no, he says "well its X amount on such and such place-dont f--king tell me how much it costs, somehow i figured that out when i bought it genius-and if thats such a good price, buy it from them! geezus christ. sorry, about all that, fortunately another member handled the situation much better and it will be heading his way soon.

sorry to rant just seriously, wtf?
And you have to realize that people are probably a little short on cash currently so they will try to "bargain" with you. Live and let live, we all have been there.
Yarn's expensive. Try dryer lint.

For every bad experience, there's plenty of good ones. I haven't had a single bad dealing with a forum member while I was selling tank props. Even the one guy who's $25 check was misread by the bank as a $251 check, and then the bank took about a month to put the money back into his account. Even he was great to deal with (and incredibly patient!)

So if one person was a bad negotiator via PM, don't sweat it. Shrug them off and continue on with your day.
Yarn's expensive. Try dryer lint.

For every bad experience, there's plenty of good ones. I haven't had a single bad dealing with a forum member while I was selling tank props. Even the one guy who's $25 check was misread by the bank as a $251 check, and then the bank took about a month to put the money back into his account. Even he was great to deal with (and incredibly patient!)

So if one person was a bad negotiator via PM, don't sweat it. Shrug them off and continue on with your day.

dang i bet that made his heart skip a beat when he checked his balance haha
buyers are always trying to get something for as little as possible, just ignore them and sell on your own terms, remember you own it and can always keep it.
I don't see an issue with someone asking you to respond to a PM if you are on line. especially if they are genuinely keen on your item.
You have only given us your side of the story. It takes two hands to clap.

I am glad it is resolved.

I have had good experiences selling on the forum. It just takes a little patience, me thinks. I have sold three items, so far. Currently trying to sell/trade a brand new FE for a wider one or cash. No responses yet, but hopefully something will work out.:Flash:
Selling or buying should never be personal, it should be just business!

Thank you Don Corleone lol.

[ame=""]YouTube - The Godfather: It's Not Personal, It's Strictly Business[/ame]

4.22 if you don't want to watch all of this epic scene.

You know OP I am the same way as you. LOL
IF so and so is selling it for such and such just buy it. Dont tell me about it.
I bargain with everybody for everything, its who I am. Bargain with auto dealers, local merchants, even with the subway cashier when i try to buy a sandwich. If you don't try to talk somebody down, your a fool.

I've gotten subway sandwhiches free, 30$ sunglass for 5$, i got my armored leather jacket for $50. Its how the world works, that's how you get a deal - by asking.

I can't blame whoever it was trying to buy an item to try to talk the price down, but no is no.

Can't hurt to try, and usually.
Selling or buying should never be personal, it should be just business!

it should be, but seeing as how i am "in the wrong" for not replying to a PM within 5-6 hours on a friday night, i say wtf

i know its just business but seriously, if everyone is "short on cash" why should i be more willing to drop my price (nuff said for the "everyone is low on cash" argument)

either way, its sold for my asking price, patience is key- thank you to whoever posted that

for everyone who may not understand why i am not happy:

VALUE(of item in $) is = Benefit(of purchaser) OVER (or divided by the)/ Time put in to selling/purchasing+the $ required to sell/purchase+the energy required to sell/purchase

so this being said-it should just be business, but business without being personal=not always the best way to to do business, i expect more from members of this forum i guess.

this is not ebay, i made the choice to put it up for sale on here-NOT EBAY- for a reason (this reason exactly)

it was just one individual who made this selling process something to not be happy about. i am certain no ebay style sales are allowed (per FS posting rules), so maybe you think i am wrong, maybe you see what i am saying WTF about, either way-its whatever to me, go buy your parts somewhere else if you dont like the way a seller here is conducting "business".

i personally would like to think our members are better than that.

it should be, but seeing as how i am \\"in the wrong\\" for not replying to a PM within 5-6 hours on a friday night, i say wtf

Who said you "were in the wrong" for that? It really seems like you're blowing this way out of proportion. Do you get this bent over everything little thing that you disagree with?

i personally would like to think our members are better than that.

Better than what?

I think it's pretty rude of you to call someone out over something so petty. We all know who you're talking about, as you provided sufficient info in your first post to figure this out. At this point I think YOUR forum etiquette is more in question than the person's you're bashing.

The person you're bashing has bought and sold a ton of stuff on the other FZ6 forum and I've never heard of anyone having a problem (not that I'm defending his interation with you). He also does a lot to contribute to both forums. No one is perfect.....
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Who said you \\"were in the wrong\\" for that? It really seems like you're blowing this way out of proportion. Do you get this bent over everything little thing that you disagree with?

Better than what?

I think it's pretty rude of you to call someone out over something so petty. We all know who you're talking about, as you provided sufficient info in your first post to figure this out. At this point I think YOUR forum etiquette is more in question than the person's you're bashing.

The person you're bashing has bought and sold a ton of stuff on the other FZ6 forum and I've never heard of anyone having a problem. He also does a lot to contribute to both forums. No one is perfect. What have you done except whine?

im sorry, good for you/whoever i am "ranting" about that you/whoever has bought/sold items here. did i mention names? didnt think so. either way-i do have a "short fuse" and all that very "intelligent" speech you came up with, nice!

my etiquette must be way off lol

either way-asking price is not equal to selling price so the "potential buyer" should realize that posted priced is the price

so anyways-good for you cool guy

(try selling something here you could get more for on ebay, then have people ask to buy it for even less, and then come talk "business" with me-PLEASE)

and also , is this the "other" (what the reason is behind the "other" forum reference needs to be removed) "FZ6" forum?

nice reference to it though, it builds your credibility

in conclusion:
i apologize for not being at my computer on a friday night between the hours of 6pm and 12 am (if you read what i posted, it is 50% about that particular post-BRAIN (yes BRAIN))

anyways-to all a good night
I think it's pretty rude of you to call someone out over something so petty. We all know who you're talking about, as you provided sufficient info in your first post to figure this out. At this point I think YOUR forum etiquette is more in question than the person's you're bashing.

The person you're bashing has bought and sold a ton of stuff on the other FZ6 forum and I've never heard of anyone having a problem (not that I'm defending his interation with you). He also does a lot to contribute to both forums. No one is perfect.....

to continue my point...

the "blah blah friggin blah OTHER FZ6 forum" isnt this f--king forum.

i never called anyone out, unless you have nothing better to do than sift through post after post you could find the reason for the rant.

good for him, contributions are key to the success of this forum, or the "other forum" you continually reference.

if i wanted to post my item for sale on "the other" forum, i would have. i didnt. so keep the "other forum" references away.

im not talking about a single offer for an amount less than my asking price-I AM TALKING ABOUT SEVERAL OFFERS FOR THE SAME PRICE BELOW MY ASKING PRICE, dont get it twisted-save that for your "other" forum. in another conclusion, all apologies-you (obviously) know the situation better than I.
Ok, gentlemen, it'll be handbags at 50 paces. We meet at dawn. Wear your finest and bring your second.

Enuf. Good night Irene.
