Seat does something funny.


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Aug 24, 2009
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South Africa
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I wonder if someone has had the same experience as me or can shed some light on what to do.

I have been riding for about two years and have my 06 Cobalt Blue fizzer now for about a week and a half. I use it to commute and its about a 45 min commute of 30km, mostly on congested freeways. After about 35 mins my junk starts tingling (like when your leg falls asleep) and I actually have to stand up on the pegs to get circulation going to my naughty bits again and after about a minute they stop tingling.

Anything like this happen to anybody? :confused:
It happens to me sometimes on the way home from work. I always think there are more vibes after the bike's been sitting in the sun all day, but it could also be because my nads have been sitting in a hot office :D. I'd suggest checking the throttle bodys are in sync around 4K RPM then at idle as others have reported quite a big reduction in vibes after doing that. Other than that don't sit up against the tank and stay out of the 5-6K RPM range as that seems to be the buzzyest.
I wonder if someone has had the same experience as me or can shed some light on what to do.

I have been riding for about two years and have my 06 Cobalt Blue fizzer now for about a week and a half. I use it to commute and its about a 45 min commute of 30km, mostly on congested freeways. After about 35 mins my junk starts tingling (like when your leg falls asleep) and I actually have to stand up on the pegs to get circulation going to my naughty bits again and after about a minute they stop tingling.

Anything like this happen to anybody? :confused:

Tight underwear?
clothes could not feel too tight, but have an impact.. they can "cut" or dig into the creases of your leg and help cut circulation, the most common reason the numb or tingly happes.. it could be the seat (shape) doing a simmiler affect.. try the cheap rout and wear some comfy clothes..
Staying out of the dreaded 5K-6K rpm range seems to help the most.

Also, I have had 3 different seats now. Stock, Yamaha Comfort and Corburn. The vibration is the same with each.
I wonder if someone has had the same experience as me or can shed some light on what to do.

I have been riding for about two years and have my 06 Cobalt Blue fizzer now for about a week and a half. I use it to commute and its about a 45 min commute of 30km, mostly on congested freeways. After about 35 mins my junk starts tingling (like when your leg falls asleep) and I actually have to stand up on the pegs to get circulation going to my naughty bits again and after about a minute they stop tingling.

Anything like this happen to anybody? :confused:

Happens to me all the time just like this. Damn crotch basically goes to sleep. Annoys the piss out of me, not literally thank GOD. I dont think boxers will help much since i use boxer briefs mostly but ill try that but highly doubt it would help make a difference.
I wonder if someone has had the same experience as me or can shed some light on what to do.

I have been riding for about two years and have my 06 Cobalt Blue fizzer now for about a week and a half. I use it to commute and its about a 45 min commute of 30km, mostly on congested freeways. After about 35 mins my junk starts tingling (like when your leg falls asleep) and I actually have to stand up on the pegs to get circulation going to my naughty bits again and after about a minute they stop tingling.

Anything like this happen to anybody? :confused:

Me too! It think it's the seat and the shape of the pelvis. I put some high density foam on the seat (the foam from a life jacket - works pretty well) and it seemed to lessen the pressure on the pelvis, "butt bone" if you will :) although my "boys" still get slightly numb after the first 15 minutes in the saddle. I move around a bit and the numbness eventually goes away. I think, at least for me, a lot of the discomfort with the seat has to do with the sharp "sports" position of the legs and the resultant angle of the thigh-to-pelvis. This causes the "butt bone" to protrude more and there is less surface area on which to disburse my body weight.

Try this - when it's safe to do so (or while stopped keepng one foot on the ground) - and see what difference it makes: take mental note of the overall feeling of your leg and butt while seated in your "normal" riding position with your left foot on the peg. Now, take that same foot and put the instep on TOP of the peg, then move you knee up and down. I think you'll note that with the knee moved DOWN, the pressure on the butt becomes less. That's what I found anyway.

Next year, I'm getting me one of them there Russell customized all day comfort seats...big $$$ but it will be worth it, IMHO.
It's not vibration, it is pressure points. The seat and your position are not cooperating and there is a pressure point that is cutting circulation where you need it. I had it happen a couple times but not regularly on the FZ6, then I got the TS seat and never had the problem again. So, something about the shape of the seat and hardness of the stock foam was causing a circulation problem that the TS seat resolved.

fizz off is onto something which is changing how/where you sit to relieve the pressure point.

The only other excuse is you have an enlarged prostate and Doc needs to finger-check to be sure there's no problem. When you sit on the bike, an enlarged prostate would definitely cause a "weasel to pass out." :rof: Of course, this is the extreme case and not saying anyone has this problem!
I would chalk it up more to stopping circulation or pressure points. We all have different body shapes and that will result in different personal ergos per the same bike.

I would try to temporarily attach some padding to see if it makes a difference.
It could even be a case of reshaping (removing foam) from your seat to eliminate a pressure point. From what I've read over the years there are so many factors that affect each of us individually. I mean, just look at the differences in our individual physiology!
Some folks say that vibration causes numbness. I've haven't had that experience yet. You might even try cycle riding shorts that have that extra padding in the seat/groin area.

Good luck!
Hm... I don't get the circulation issues with the Top Saddlery seat but getting scrunched junk happens esp. when tucking down for a long time. I tend to stand up on the pegs periodically to shake things out. Shake side to side and forward and back. Circular motion works pretty good too -- but I save that move for streets where I'm the only one on the road :D.

Sometimes, I really think its the way pants fit and then with a hot seat (and you sweating) and then you sliding forward (which pulls on your pants too tight up top near the crotch). I only notice these types of issues in Summer. In Winter, I never noticed -- I'm guessing because things don't stick to each other as much since you don't sweat much and the seat never gets hot.

In the late afternoon, I move my bike to a shaded parking spot (as those spots become vacant late afternoon)to get me a cool seat on the way home. I also ensure my pants and boxers are positioned with no creases as I mount the bike. I mount the bike and a few seconds after taking off, I stand up and (by wiggling, etc.) get the pants where I want them and then sit.

I think to help alleviate circulation issues (without changing the seat), you can just get off the seat periodically or sit one cheek slightly out and switch, etc.

You might have enlarged gonad syndrome like myself. You could carve out some foam of your seat in the shape of your junk, that could help. :)