Screw the twisties... straight roads 4life is how I roll!

Terrific video! thank you very much. brilliant perfomance!
Where did you ride? California? Why so many hill on the road?)))) Is it too hard to make the straight roads?))) its a joke. i like your vid))))

wtf, straight roads suck :p I avoid them as much as I can.

Drinky, try and get a sense of humor...sheesh. :spank:

kevlarian, great Like shreveport1, I had a grin on my face the entire time. Visually awesome, and the music is an old favorite of mine as well. :rockon:

Sorry other people didn't see the humor in it!
The first road looks like it would make your stomach do flips flops on the hills, I used to love that feeling while riding in the back of my parents station wagon as a kid! Also love the rear tire sliding around just a hair on the gravel road at the slow motion.
Looks great.
I usually screw the twisties... ha ha ha
So, I changed the tire for Touring Type, not for the Canyon Type...
And tyre goes over 10K miles >> and mine still looks New ??? ha ha ha

Thanks for sharing... enjoyed.
Nice video.

What type of road you like to ride does not appear on here very often.

I like the flatter roads with gentle curving bends and long straights.

I have just come back from Switzerland and rode the alps. It was fun, lots and lots of twisties, big climbs and steep drops. Fantastic views. I wouldn`t want to do it evey week though.

The photo shows the road we are coming down.

