scratch on the tank!!


Junior Member
Jul 28, 2012
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Inland Empire, CA
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my roommate knocked over a jeep tailgate and it hit my fz6 and put a nice deep scratch right on the side of my otherwise spotless gas tank! The scratch went well through the clear coat and even into the base layers of color. There are no dents luckily.
Has anybody had any luck with touching up this kind of nightmare? Any ideas? If I just leave it I'm worried that the tank will be vulnerable to rust (although in southern california it's not too big of a concern).
Any ideas would be much appreciated.

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chances are that the Yamaha dealer will want to sand it down and repaint it. That won't be cheap, but if your roommate is paying, I say go for it.
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there is a lot of good info on scratch/scuff fixing. I use the info from this site and some help from Lone Starr to fix my tank blemish.

You should put some pictures up to give us an idea on how deep it is.

Edit: Also, tell me that your roommate is paying for the damage...

I tried to attach a photo here...
I've got a similar scratch on my fuel tank just in front of the fuel filler cap.

Got no to blame but myself though, it came about because I used a tank bag with magnetic pads and I'd put the bag on the ground not realising that the magnet had picked up metal shard. Placed the bag back on the tank and adjusted it slightly without taking the bag off fully. When I took the bag off at the end of my journey I cursed when I saw what had happened. :banghead:

I did take it an independent repair shop and he told me that because it had gone through the paint layers and through to the base coat it would have to be stripped down completely and repainted. For the time being I'm just going to stick another tank protector over it though.