Scary feeling


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Jun 10, 2011
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I was on my way home last night and having a little fun with an R6 that was along side me. We came up to a roundabout and I decided I was going to hit it hard. I threw the bike over to the right to enter the turn, snapped it back over the the left before the apex of the turn and leaned it over hard. Just as I started to get back on the throttle, I felt the front wheel sliding out from underneath me. Pure instinct took over and I instantly got off the throttle and stuck my left foot out. The combination worked and I was able to regain control and save my ass, but the incident has got me thinking.
Was it the front tire that caused this (worn to the wear marks), or was it rider error? Did I get on the throttle too hard while not leaning forward enough? I came away from the incident mildly shaken and slightly embarassed (the R6 saw the foot down). Hopefully I can learn something and not repeat it.
i'm always careful around roundabouts, they seem to collect debris, oil and general crap

the other thing to take away is that it's not a race track, you aren't going to win any prizes
Probably a little of both, pushing too hard and the tire being worn, probably more of the later. Plus in a roundabout there always seems to be more oil, grease, and other nastieness as well. Before I replaced my front I had it push on me a few times and since it has been replaced I havent felt it happen at all

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Roundabouts are FULL of oil etc. Very slippery. I'm probably too cautious around them and don't enjoy them enough :(

Rode the same roundabout the next day, sure enough right about the spot my front tire started sliding there was a nice greasy oil slick. I'm very lucky my rear tire didnt slide out on me as well.
usually when I decide that I'm going to take a hard corner I wobble the bike from side to side a few times so I have some contact with the sides of the tires. this way I make sure I clean whatever is on the sides of the tires and give them a little temp boost. I find it more safe this way rather than doing nothing and just attacking the curve.
Do the handle bars slightly go back and forth from left to right when the front end slips???

if so then it has happened to me :eek:.

Turning onto the freeway all of a sudden my handle bars "wiggled" and i straightened up and all was well. I wasnt even leaning at all really was the strange. part.
I was on my way home last night and having a little fun with an R6 that was along side me. We came up to a roundabout and I decided I was going to hit it hard. I threw the bike over to the right to enter the turn, snapped it back over the the left before the apex of the turn and leaned it over hard. Just as I started to get back on the throttle, I felt the front wheel sliding out from underneath me. Pure instinct took over and I instantly got off the throttle and stuck my left foot out. The combination worked and I was able to regain control and save my ass, but the incident has got me thinking.
Was it the front tire that caused this (worn to the wear marks), or was it rider error? Did I get on the throttle too hard while not leaning forward enough? I came away from the incident mildly shaken and slightly embarassed (the R6 saw the foot down). Hopefully I can learn something and not repeat it.
you two get a room (aka track)

There are lots of reasons why the front went, the biggest reason is that the R6 has better geometry and will go in hotter than an FZ6,

I'm with Kazza, I hate roundabouts. Here in the 'ville, a lot of them are tiny, and covered in little rocks and stones.

Riders enemy, they are.
i'm always careful around roundabouts, they seem to collect debris, oil and general crap

the other thing to take away is that it's not a race track, you aren't going to win any prizes

Well said - I try to think in terms of risk vs reward. That is if a split second of fun can ruin it all, it aint worth it to me. A good time to apply the 60% rule leaving room for the "what if" cause its the street and anything can happen.
Do the handle bars slightly go back and forth from left to right when the front end slips???

if so then it has happened to me :eek:.

Turning onto the freeway all of a sudden my handle bars "wiggled" and i straightened up and all was well. I wasnt even leaning at all really was the strange. part.

That sounds a bit more like the dreaded speed wobble

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As hard as it is to resist, playing naughty on the road is one of the main reasons riders abruptly stop riding. Best antidote for the fever to feel rapid acceleration (really fun), rapid deceleration, and extreme lean angles (really, really fun) is a track day learning to be smooth and understand the capabilities of both the motorcycle and yourself.

Here in Wisconsin, I have deer, turkeys, coyotes, dogs, sandhill cranes, skunks, raccoons, possums, squirrels, runners, bicyclists, and distracted drivers (idiots) in the way every day that all scheme to prevent me from safely honking around. The road is never safe enough.

As soon as we take something for granted, like our skills and the safety of our surroundings, we get teeth marks in our arses. Familiarity breeds risky decisions.

Ride safely and pay attention.
the other thing to take away is that it's not a race track, you aren't going to win any prizes

Balls to that. Everyone knows pride is the greatest prize of all.

Keep it up, OP. These guys just don't have their priorities straight. :Sport:
I've given up on having any fun on roundabouts. Was going slow thru the same one again this morning and had both tires slide. Was only doing 25. I give up, damn things are slicker than a greased pig.
I didn't see anybody respond with this one yet, and I have never heard anybody mention this to me before, not even in the rider class.

Road Paint

You definitely have to be mindful of crossing over anything painted on the road, especially while turning. Slip the clutch to fast? You'll spin the tire. Lean it over to far? Slide right out from under you. If its wet out? Forgetabout it.

I learned early not to ride on the painted markings on the road. Not saying this was it, but if you are newer to riding like I was a few years ago, this information could save you from a good scare or even worse.
Gotta avoid the paint and tar, be very careful around the stuff on the highway if its slick out, rain, drizzle, frost, dew ect...ect....I've slid a few times trying to change lanes.