sand question


Proud Dad
Aug 31, 2008
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Santa Rosa, Northern california
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so i have a question i was ridding by the beach and sand was blowing alot and scatered on the streets.i dont know how to approach that. should i not worry or can it be slippery? anybody have experience with this ? i dont know why sand was all around the coast highway it was a diffent enviorment thats for sure, expecially with the wind blowing it everywhere
Sand is one of your worst enemies. Try and avoid it and if you have to drive over it, keep the bike upright and be gentle with the throttle and even more careful with the brakes. I'd simply steer clear if you know it is there and not use those streets though.
I encounter this every year when I go on holiday, the hotel where we stay is right on the beach and the coastal road gets lots of beach sand blown on it.

My rules of thumb are, stay upright, ride slowly and no sudden moves! That light coating of sand on tar is worse than riding on a dirt road.
Anything on the road thats not part of the road is bad. Sand, gravel, rocks, water, people Ect will kill you!:thumbup:
Check out the sand on the road in this clip:

[ame=]YouTube - Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV (SuperVeloce) - Top Gear[/ame]
I never really worry bout sand when near the beach....too busy riding as slow as possible....checking out the talent! :rockon::spank::cheer::rockon::spank::cheer::D
I've been riding for 6 years and the only time I have ever laid a bike down was this past Memorial day. Came into a blind corner at 25-30mph and found the entire lane covered in sand. Before I knew what happend the rear end slid out and both myself and the bike were sliding down the road.

The bike ended up with a seriously ground up frame slider and some minor scratches on the back of the mirror. I ended up with the visor of my helmet scraped up, my new mesh jacket shredded in 3-4 places and abrasion burns from the inside of the jacket and pants on both knees and forearm. Since then I have been very (overly) cautious while riding, especially around corners. I am paranoid about sand and gravel now.