Sad day


FZ Rider
Elite Member
Mar 6, 2007
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St.Joe/Kalamazoo Michigan
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Today, my family put down our dog of 14 years, Daisy.

She started having seizures about 2 years ago on and off, medication helped, but over the past month or so she started to deteriorate. I didn't think I'd care as much as I do, since she was more of my sister's dog. However, I'm only 21 and 14 years is a long time and it was normal to have her around. It's going to be different going home and not hearing her running around.

RIP Daisy 3/25/10

So sorry to hear about your loss. Treasure all her memories, 14 years is a long time and I'm sure there are lots of good ones. I wish I had 7 more years with my Cammi. It gets easier, but Daisy will never be truly replaced. Be proud of her life and don't feel silly when you cry. I'm 29 and bawled like a baby for about 3 days when my Cammi died. I still cry if I think about certain things.... like now as I'm lying in bed without her under the sheets acting like a furnace.

RIP Daisy. Keep Cammi company at the Rainbow Bridge until I arrive.
Sorry to hear.

We had a dachshund who had seizures and we kept having to give him prednizone. One day I think he had a stroke and his left side was paralyzed and I think blind. Poor thing we had to put him down. He was such a good dog.

Sympathies with you.

Sorry for the loss of Daisy Brad. They really are family members and it is tough to say goodbye. She had 14 great years of your family love.
Very sorry to hear about Daisy, Brad, I know what you mean about a dog being part of the home, I've just got a greyhound puppy and already I couldn't imagine the day without her.
