sad day....lost the FZ


Junior Member
May 22, 2012
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Well i didn't really loose it, my 2005 Silver FZ6 was actually stolen from my Condo Complex in Central Connecticut this week Along with my FZ6, my boyfriends 2003 Silver SV1000 was taken. We actually came across a Craiglist Posting later that night that fit the SV1000, according to the ad, they had no title and were parting their bike out. We contacted the PD, and then later that day the CL ad now stated sold, no good word from the PD. hmmmmmm

Well anyway, i didn't have any mods on my FZ6. there were a couple of scratches on the left side engine case from a tip over. My clutch handle was loose, and actually would shake when the bike was running. Also my right foot break was bent from a tip over as well.
Basically all i can do is creep on the internet. If anyone sees a suspicious ad for something like my bike i lost, i would appreciate the heads ups!

I know i don't post on here often, i tend to just browse the site, but i thank you for your help if there is any to be had.

Good thing is ill be looking to replace my 2005 FZ6 with another!!!!!



Ah crap, I'm very sorry to read this... I wish I could do more than send my empathy from Phoenix, AZ... but I hope the bastards are caught.
I would say a majority of the FZ6 owners are registered on this site, and often are looking for spare parts.

ANYONE PURCHASING SPARE PARTS FROM CRAIGS LIST THAT COULD POSSIBLY BE FROM THIS BIKE SHOULD AT LEAST PM THE OP. Obviously if a new user joined this forum and started parting off parts off a 2005 FZ6, he would get nowhere.

Are there any popular motorcycle forums that would be in your region? You may want to surf and see what comes up as well.
good luck with locating your bikes, I hope they turn up in good condition or that your insurance covers it all,
Damn I wish the creeps would leave other peoples stuff alone
I know how you feel. Mine was stolen last December :( words can it express what I would do if I ever caught the assholes who stole mine. Lets just say they would be paralyzed from the neck down and have to ride on a battery powered wheelchair. Everyday they would wake up and regret their decision. When someone is whiping his ass for life.

Sorry I've had some time to think about this. I know some will say their life is more important than a motorcycle: but I say no it isn't. It's a choice they made. Like a choice the should have made along time ago. Stuck a pistol in their mouths and done society as a whole, a favor.

Sorry I'm bitter

Next bike is going to get parked close to the house with a 50 Pnd logging chain tied to the swing arm. I will bury the chain and tie it to the house. Leave the key In it. When he dumb ass takes off and gets to the end of the chain. He will know what pain is...:
Sorry for the loss. Keep us updated!

If I caught someone stealing my bike it would be very difficult not to give them a 12gauge magnum buckshot load to the gonads instead of calling the cops.
where in CT? I live out next to hartford and my bike lives outside. I will have to see about some sort of chain i can connect to my stairs..

sorry for the lose. i will keep an eye out for ya. good luck..
where in CT? I live out next to hartford and my bike lives outside. I will have to see about some sort of chain i can connect to my stairs..

sorry for the lose. i will keep an eye out for ya. good luck..

Middletown ct alone has had 20 bike thefts in the past week officer said. I wouldn't trust any town, nor would I trust chains or alarms. I would be on the lookout for a white van or box truck. Via surveillance cameras, an unknown car drives through, if coast is clear a white truck or van pulls up and bye bye bikes! We are a small condo complex that has never had an issue. We were up till midnight and neighbor was leaving at 3am, so very small window of time. The thieves were about 20ft from our front door
Dang, sorry pal.

This really scares me as I just bought my 09. I cheaped out on my insurance and dont have collision or theft. My bike is parked in my garage when I'm home, but if I ever go out I'm always a bit freaked out. Cant imagine when I go on a road trip and have to leave it outside while I sleep
Sorry to hear about the bikes. I, unfortunately, know that sinking feeling that you get when the bike isn't where you left it. I hope the clowns that did it are caught, but from what I understand, the chances are low. Two bikes at once - they probably were organized, determined and planned ahead. :(

When my KLR was stolen (from Fairfield train station, in a middle of commuter peak hour), my insurance was good to me (Progressive - can't stop praising them) and that's how I ended up getting the fz6, but I'm at max coverage with them. To me - that's the best way to deal with theft - my ins certainly paid off with my KLR.
I have progressive as well and lately I've been contemplating dropping full coverage but after reading this thread maybe it's worth the 55% increase in premium afterall.
Sorry for the loss. My best friends Ninja 650 got stolen over Memorial Day weekend. We had just got done doing all of the yearly maintenance on it. Three bikes got stolen in this area that weekend. He is still really depressed about it. The hard part is waiting for the insurance company so he can get a new bike. I am still irate over it. It would be really hard for me not to seriously injure someone if I caught them trying to take my bike or my wifes. We keep our bikes in a garage overnight, but my friend lives in an apartment. We went and looked at bikes last week, but it is not the same because it is not his baby that he worked hard to get and did all the work on.
On another note, try checking ebay for parts listings for an FZ6. Change the sort tab to filter down to Nearest Location at the top. We did that and found a guy that is selling parts for all three types of bikes that were stolen. Same years, color, etc. I found it a little odd that he had used parts for all three. He lives 170 miles away, so the police would never think to look that far. We called the police and the detective said he would look into it. Won't get his bike back, but if the guy on ebay is selling stolen parts it may help the next potential victim.
I have progressive as well and lately I've been contemplating dropping full coverage but after reading this thread maybe it's worth the 55% increase in premium afterall.

Bundle your insurance. We put both cars and bikes on one policy. All the same coverage as we had on each vehicle separately, now half off.