Sad day in the Stumbles house

Sorry to hear for your loss. I know it is tough. I am real close to losing my 13 year old Yellow Lab "Duke" he has some kind of cancer. It will be a dark day when this happens, and I am dreading it. I hope buster went peacefully.

Congrats on the new member of the family. :welcome: Max!!! I remember when Duke was that small. Max will not stay that way long. Enjoy the little guy. Oh, he will eat everything with those puppy teeth. Duke ate part of the house. ahhh memories.
I know it's really soon, but it just felt wrong not having a second dog here.
Soooo sorry to hear, they just don't get to live the same age as us, and we never get use to that fact... Wanted to add the Rainbow Bridge poem but thats been done - nice poem. Our Chinchilla cat, Zeeba, past away 2 months ago just like he was sleeping, only 2 years old, don't know why - never nice.
Zeena, his daughter we got from a litter after he went for a sleepover, starts to get out of her shell since he is gone, that helps.

Max, best choice :thumbup: My Zoe, a yellow loving bitch ;) is seven now and even though I wanted to murder her the first year she is the rock of example for our other pets, maltese as well and a new Siberian Husky.

Think of you guys and congrats with Max, he is gorgeous!
So sorry to hear this Dave. Losing a long time pet is rough! Losing them unexpectedly is the worst.

I'm glad you've got a new furry mate to fill the void.

Take care! RIP Buster.
Oh, he will eat everything with those puppy teeth. Duke ate part of the house. ahhh memories.

Hehehe, yeah, finding that out already.

He's a bundle of fun, so glad we got him.

Thanks again everyone. This is what I love about this forum, yeah, we all love bikes, but we are also great people, so kind and with great words and thoughts.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. :thumbup: :cheer:
Awww Max is adorable! He is going to be one BIG boy. Glad you got another pup, he will never replace Buster, but it sure helps you smile!
As you know Dave, i too have a new Puppy...and she chews everything....cant hang my washing outside for the moment, or she tears it off the clothes line, and destroys very careful in that regard!

I have bought her lots of toys to chew, but her favourite is one of those big rope things that is tied in a not at both ends...she gets countless hours of enjoyment, chewing, throwing, wrestling with it....i cant wait till she grows a brain.

Enjoy your new puppy....
