Royal Wedding; You Watching?

ROYAL WEDDING; Will You Be Watching?

  • Yes I will!

    Votes: 6 7.3%
  • No, I will not!

    Votes: 63 76.8%
  • Well, maybe?

    Votes: 11 13.4%
  • I'm Going!

    Votes: 2 2.4%

  • Total voters
I detest the idea of royalty, so I wouldn't watch even if it was on at a normal time. And I'm certainly not going to get up early to tune in. If anything interesting happens, I'll watch the highlights on the news or youtube. I'm hoping the anarchists disrupt the event somehow.
We had scheduled to view it, however the health channel has a really interesting 3hr deep root scaling procedure in the same time slot, and then my sock draw rearranging is scheduled following
I wish they would get it over with allready my poor T.V. gets its circuits raped every 10 minutes with news about the dress whats er name bought at Banana Republic and What the not as bald younger brother is serving sandwhiches or some $hi+ like that!!! :BLAA:
Its a National holiday here in the UK but if its anything like Diana's Funeral the roads will be really quiet so an ideal day for biking.
If all goes to plan I am selling the Fazer the day before :(:(:( and replacing it with a BMW R1200gs low suspension model:D so a few of us are out for a ride.
I'm going to stay in amsterdam working instead, and take the holiday a couple of weeks later when everybody else is at work and the roads are hopefully empty :D
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I could pass on the wedding invite on the proviso I got to the bucks party being put on by young Prince Harry :thumbup:
Ummm... NO, won't be watching and I wish they'd shut up about it. How many weeks does the build up to it have to be.... Sick of it... Happy for them, Hope they have a wonderful life... but STFU!!!!

I'm with Huxy

Roads quiet, wife working and I will be on the bike (although the forecast is getting gloomier closer we get to the day)
I'm female.

I have a passing interest in the dress and the bling.

Otherwise, I'm not watching.

No public holiday for it in Australia :(
I detest the idea of royalty, so I wouldn't watch even if it was on at a normal time. And I'm certainly not going to get up early to tune in. If anything interesting happens, I'll watch the highlights on the news or youtube. I'm hoping the anarchists disrupt the event somehow.[/QUOTE]

That's mean spirited :( I think a bride and groom, no matter who they are, would be absolutely devestated if some idiot ruined your wedding.

Horrible that people would disrupt something like that - like those US loonies who disrupt funerals.
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That's mean spirited :( I think a bride and groom, no matter who they are, would be absolutely devestated if so idiot ruined your wedding.

Horrible that people would disrupt something like that - like those US loonies who disrupt funerals.

Most couples (or their parents) also pay for their own wedding.

It's hardly comparable to the Westboro Baptists. American military personnel often come from some of the poorest families in our country and they risk their lives for an opportunity to get an education and provide a better future for their children. Royals don't have to do anything. They are born into their titles and live a lavish lifestyle at the expense of the common people. Americans figured this out well over 200 years ago and sacrificed many lives to free themselves from tyranny. Celebrating a monarchy is akin to Americans who fly the Confederate flag. Yes, it's a part of our history and we should be educated about it, but we don't need to celebrate it. If I lived in the UK and witnessed the austerity measures being enacted there at the same time the government was paying for the royals, I think I'd identify with the anarchists. I don't want to see anyone get hurt, but I hope they're able to use the world stage to point out the absurdity of a monarchy in 2011 Britain. Say what you want about Britney Spears or Justin Beiber(sp?), but at least they earned it somehow.