Rolling Shots


Junior Member
May 5, 2012
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Northern Utah
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A group of us in the northern Utah area have started a tradition of doing a weekly group ride on Sundays. Along the way back someone decided to take some rolling shot of some of the bikes.

The first one is kind of terrible, but the second one is actually pretty good. Not bad for a passenger on another bike and a camera phone (please note, I did not request these at all nor were any bikers/passengers harmed in the taking of these photos).


Very nice shots!

Now.. sorry to be the "parent", but short finger gloves AND braking with pinkie and ring finger?? :disapprove:
Very nice shots!

Now.. sorry to be the "parent", but short finger gloves AND braking with pinkie and ring finger?? :disapprove:

Thats nearly as bad as me, i break with my middle and 4th finger, thumb and fore things are for throttle controll lol

and if it a big stop i use all fingers
Thats nearly as bad as me, i break with my middle and 4th finger, thumb and fore things are for throttle controll lol

and if it a big stop i use all fingers

Do yourself a big favor and work on breaking that habit! Sometimes a slow stop can turn into a quick stop and if you have to re-position your fingers to achieve maximum braking, you're screwed.

You also want to use correct throttle / brake technique so that you naturally have to close the throttle to reach for the brake (you do NOT want to apply a lot of front brake while you're still sending power to rear wheel.. the whole idea is to compress the front). With the combination pictured above, or the most common wrong combination (thumb and index on throttle, the rest on brake lever), it's easy to brake without closing the throttle... that's not a good thing.

Proper braking (in no particular order): 1. All 4 fingers. 2. Index + middle finger. 3. Just the index finger.

Personally, I use index + middle. This allows me to apply maximum braking on FZ1 (and used to be enough on FZ6 too) and at the same time makes it easier (for me) to blip the throttle for downshifts while braking vs having all 4 fingers on the brake.

Sorry for the thread hijack. I can't turn off the MSF RiderCoach thing when I see this sort of thing.
Chaotic, I'm short coming in at about 5' 6".

Completely understand and agree with your advice towards the average person. Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief of everyone having 5, I only have 4 fingers which puts a nice spin on things. As I was born without thumbs, one of the fingers had to be moved to take the place of the thumb (for obvious reasons).

The fingerless gloves are used for dexterity reasons, otherwise I'd happily wear full fingered gloves. I might look into buying a pair of gently used gloves, so they are broken in, but otherwise new gloves tend to restrict my movement a bit too much.

Basically look at it this way, I use two fingers on the throttle and two on the brake, so I'm at 50/50 :). Obviously under hard braking I may use three fingers on the brakes, but when the picture was taken I was still in the process of rolling on the throttle slightly to maintain speed.
Chaotic, I'm short coming in at about 5' 6".

Completely understand and agree with your advice towards the average person. Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief of everyone having 5, I only have 4 fingers which puts a nice spin on things. As I was born without thumbs, one of the fingers had to be moved to take the place of the thumb (for obvious reasons).

The fingerless gloves are used for dexterity reasons, otherwise I'd happily wear full fingered gloves. I might look into buying a pair of gently used gloves, so they are broken in, but otherwise new gloves tend to restrict my movement a bit too much.

Basically look at it this way, I use two fingers on the throttle and two on the brake, so I'm at 50/50 :). Obviously under hard braking I may use three fingers on the brakes, but when the picture was taken I was still in the process of rolling on the throttle slightly to maintain speed.
Well THAT puts a spin on things:BLAA:
Way to circumvent:thumbup:
Chaotic, I'm short coming in at about 5' 6".

Completely understand and agree with your advice towards the average person. Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief of everyone having 5, I only have 4 fingers which puts a nice spin on things. As I was born without thumbs, one of the fingers had to be moved to take the place of the thumb (for obvious reasons).

The fingerless gloves are used for dexterity reasons, otherwise I'd happily wear full fingered gloves. I might look into buying a pair of gently used gloves, so they are broken in, but otherwise new gloves tend to restrict my movement a bit too much.

Basically look at it this way, I use two fingers on the throttle and two on the brake, so I'm at 50/50 :). Obviously under hard braking I may use three fingers on the brakes, but when the picture was taken I was still in the process of rolling on the throttle slightly to maintain speed.

My hats off to you! :thumbup:
Proper braking (in no particular order): 1. All 4 fingers. 2. Index + middle finger. 3. Just the index finger.

I've caught myself using 3 instead of all 4. Middle, ring, and pinkie. Don't know why I started doing this, but in trying to get logic out of it, I kinda like the idea of being able to throttle immediately before, after, or even during breaking for some reason.*

*Not that I currently possess even a shred of ability to make use of these techniques...
Thanks guys! It isn't something that is brought up much on the internet beings I don't have the opportunity to really meet any of you. Don't let what's mentioned above stop you from being a critic though, as I always welcome good advice. I may have a reason for the things I do, but on the other hand I might just be naive too.

I'm just happy to have proven so many people wrong in doing a lot of the things I love. Riding just happens to be one of the things I enjoy the most and I strive to improve upon myself and my riding with every chance I get.

Well... now that's over with, let's jump back on topic a bit :). Anyone else have some rolling shots of themselves and their machine?