Rode through 2-3 feet high water for 50 yards


Junior Member
May 4, 2012
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Sarasota, FL
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Makes for some interesting riding.

Almost home. Had about 12 miles left from my long commute yesterday when my luck ran out and the skies opened. 2.5 inches of rain in less than an hour so you get an idea of what I riding through.

Traffic on I75 slows to 20 mph and I have only had one more exit to go. I didn't stop to put any rain gear since I was so close, but by now I am completely drenched. I don't really care about the rain that much since I can see better than the cars on the bike, but the lighting crashing all around me has me on edge.

Finally, I make it to the side streets thinking about how I am almost home when in the last 1/2 mile I turn from Fruitville Rd onto US41. Are you kidding me there are waves in street! Some cars are stuck and others are turning around. Only raised trucks are going through. Wow, I've never seen this much water on this road, but it is the only way for me to make it to my apartment. I am going.

Water immediately pours into my boots and the front wheel starts to fight me. I get really taken off guard when a couple of waves water actually come up over the top of the bike's windscreen onto my lap. This might have been a bad idea as I still have the deepest part to go through. I make it though and start laughing in my helmet. That was fun and will make for a good story.

The best part. I came out this morning, removed some leaf debris from in and around the bike since it looked a little like it had been through a flood, lubed the chain and she started right up and I rode it back to work.
Ya know, they have boat cars. Maybe there should be a motorcycle version. Too bad no pics. I guess it pays to have a high intake air/exhaust.
Please check out the pictures in the link below....this was a result of less than 2" of rain last night:

August 9th Flash Flood | Home - News

I do hope that next time will will seek an alternative route around water that deep! :(

Of all the elements, water amazes me the most. To me it is the closest to the god particle I can think of as we are made up of about 60 % of it and it has carved so many of the features of our planet. It can be placid or a torrent, just like life.

Thanks for your concern. I wouldn't have proceeded if I felt in danger. Florida is so flat it doesn't possess the power that you have in steeper terrain like happened by you... well unless you add a lot more of it or add wind to the mix. This is almost a daily occurrence this time of year, just worse since I had to ride through it at the height of the storm. Three hours later most of the water had drained off the street.
it never gets too bad near me, maybe 1ft deep in places, so it's quite fun to ride through

this was after about 20 minutes of torrential rain the other day

[ame=]Riding after the rain - YouTube[/ame]
so long as you keep your throttle going and dont let off then water riding isnt an issue, though luckily by me theres allways an alternate route if it gets bad. with fazers having exhausts that go under the seat if the water is that deep you have more than that to worry about! :D
WOW, was thinking the exhaust is higher than the airbox and there is no ram air duct to funnel the waves into the airbox so OK to drive thru pretty deep water. Don't like the lightning though - last week I pulled over and waited in a bookstore for over a half an hour because of lightning.