
limits are for suckers
Oct 5, 2014
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Orange County, CA
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So I've been having some upper shoulder pain after riding for about 45+ minutes at a time.

My commute is shorter than that so I only notice on longer, weekend rides. Anywho, I've been circling around get risers to alleviate the strain and hopefully that will ease the pain.

Any riders out there that have had this same problem (I've seen it in other threads just can't find it) and have seen it fixed or vastly improved with risers installed?

Also, brands, types, etc?

Thanks everyone.
Switching bars may be something else to think about. For me, the ergonomics of the stock bars hurt my wrists and shoulders. The FZ6R or FZ1 bars might be an option as well.
OK so I got some risers, 1" up & 1.25" back. I found that the throttle lines were a little tight until I moved them around the headlight housing, but I'm already liking it. I won't tell for good until later in the week, when I take it out for longer than a half an hour, but fingers crossed.

Also, what kind of caps do I need to get? I asked the shop that I bought them from online, but just curious how you guys found yours? Is it just a standard size?
OK so I got some risers, 1" up & 1.25" back. I found that the throttle lines were a little tight until I moved them around the headlight housing, but I'm already liking it. I won't tell for good until later in the week, when I take it out for longer than a half an hour, but fingers crossed.

Also, what kind of caps do I need to get? I asked the shop that I bought them from online, but just curious how you guys found yours? Is it just a standard size?

Not sure what "caps" your referring to...

My bike is faired so I had a bit more room for cables.. The naked bikes, as you've found, may require some re-routing, etc..

Those (any risers actualy) make a very big difference..

Maybe your referring to caps for the new, allen head clamp bolts... If so, mine didn't come with any and I didn't put anything over them.. Never had an issue with rusting in there. With a plastic cap on there, and water that may get in there will llikley be harder to evaporate. IMO, I'd just leave them open.. Most of the bolts on the bike are allen heads anyway which are all open...
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OK so I got some risers, 1" up & 1.25" back. I found that the throttle lines were a little tight until I moved them around the headlight housing, but I'm already liking it. I won't tell for good until later in the week, when I take it out for longer than a half an hour, but fingers crossed.

What risers did you go with? I've been looking for a while and I'm pretty sure I am going to get the GenMar.
Where did you get that mount that goes on the top lock nut?

Are you referring to the triple, main center nut, that the GPS arm mounts to?

(used to be a larger, steel nut there)

This nut?;

It was custom made (the ONLY, one made) for me back in 2011 by Techmount... It's made of aluminum and I re-painted it (and the stem mount). **They will NOT make any more as they couldn't manufacture it by machine and had to make it by hand (not planned but to fulfill my order- as promised).

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here is the riser set I installed on my bike


What risers did you go with? I've been looking for a while and I'm pretty sure I am going to get the GenMar.

I actually went for the fleabay ones. About half the price (or more depending on the brand you buy). I didn't want to risk spending a bunch of money on something I wasn't sure I would keep. They were solid aluminum, they seem very good quality and were about $55 delivered. If I feel I need to upgrade for safety, then I'll pull the trigger.

So far, I'm impressed. It seems to be making the ride much more comfortable. I'm very happy. Highly recommend. If you want, pm me and I'll email u the link of the exact ones. I'll post a couple of pics in the day time.

I looked around and didn't see much variation. The materials seem the same. The cut is perfectly fitted to the FZ's handlebar clamps with a very good fit. I see no reason to not go this route.

To each his own, but on something like this, I'm more interested in the fitment to make sure the handlebars are secure, which these are, so there's no safety issue. As far as style, the polished aluminum goes well with the FZ, so that also fits the bill.

So far I give them a 10/10. No complaints and I believe I got a great deal.
. If you want, pm me and I'll email u the link of the exact ones. I'll post a couple of pics in the day time.


Send me the link please.. I found these on Amazon.. I would like to still use the OEM top clamp.. [ame=""][/ame]