Riding Habits:


Junior Member
Sep 16, 2009
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I love going fast on street bikes. (Many of us do - don't we?) While I do not advocate exceeding posted limits, (nor those of the rider), in any way to anyone.......I like it.
I have had "Leon" 100 mph or over every time that I have ridden him, (even during the test ride when he showed 00000.1 on the odometer).
How many of you will admit that you share this, (or a similar), addiction/ compulsion/need/lust/habit/ fault/problem/sickness?
Be honest! Don't you get bored out there sometimes?

(I know...."Leon" - but it's a long story)
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I have been known to let my FZ run up like that from time to time. On the other hand I like to go to the track also so I get it out of my system while I'm there. I would suggest that you do as well before riding like that on the street get's you in big trouble. I can tell you from my personal experiance a couple track days a year is a hell of a lot cheaper than a huge speeding ticket and a chance of losing you license !
You won't be posting much longer here on this forum or anywhere else for that matter if you keep riding like that.

Slowdown, speed is always a major factor for most motorcycle crashes. Keep that in mind.
Drag strips soothe the savage beast... plus 100+ is slow there... 120 seems to feel good... just be sure to slow down SLOWLY!
A whole lot of fun can be had at slower speeds when riding a nice twisty road at a brisk pace. Is this safer than doing 100? perhaps not, just depends where you are doing the higher speeds.
I love to cruise at 125 on up on my FJR over in Nevada on the back desert roads away from traffic and critters.
Be careful where you choose to ride Leon at tripple digets, sh*t happens fast.
I think it is a weird idea to admit publicly that you broke the law. And it doesnt mean that the boards are full of law abiding citizens just because they dont admit it to the whole world.
Yeah, going past 100mph is a guilty pleasure for lots of sportbikers, but I'm with Red Wazp--the REAL fun in riding is in the tight stuff at 40-60mph. Feeling like you have ultimate control of your machine is the best rush. It's pleasure without the guilt/high risk. Going 100+mph takes you farther from riding in control and closer to flirting with chance (on the street.) That said, who doesn't like speed?
I think there is an assumption by some of the posters that you are talking 100+, sustained, and weaving through traffic. Clearly that is a bad idea, and you don't need some safety nut to tell you so. But I can't see how popping 100+ on the highway with relatively clear space is more dangerous than on the track (other than getting a ticket). I love to see that speedo hit triple digits. Maybe its being young and dumb, but I don't want to go through life holding back. Isn't that why you got a bike in the first place? Enjoy:rockon:
But I can't see how popping 100+ on the highway with relatively clear space is more dangerous than on the track (other than getting a ticket).

Let's see... potholes, pedestrians, debris, gravel, sand, oil, slippery paint, signs, moving cars, parked cars, barriers, alive and running animals, roadkill, telephone poles, curbs, sewer grates, leaves, garbage, and on and on, are all unpredictable factors of street riding. At a track, all of these hazards are minimized or eliminated altogether.

Young and dumb don't have to synonymous. You don't want to go through life holding back? Holding back what? Holding back doesn't make you less than. Spud, you ARE going through life holding back. Every time you follow the rules with anything, you are holding back. If nobody held back, and everyone bought a bike to go balls out, this world would be in anarchy!:confused:
Let's see... potholes, pedestrians, debris, gravel, sand, oil, slippery paint, signs, moving cars, parked cars, barriers, alive and running animals, roadkill, telephone poles, curbs, sewer grates, leaves, garbage, and on and on, are all unpredictable factors of street riding. At a track, all of these hazards are minimized or eliminated altogether.

Young and dumb don't have to synonymous. You don't want to go through life holding back? Holding back what? Holding back doesn't make you less than. Spud, you ARE going through life holding back. Every time you follow the rules with anything, you are holding back. If nobody held back, and everyone bought a bike to go balls out, this world would be in anarchy!:confused:

Thats the way I see it! at that speed you can't make adjustments in time to avoid what ever jumps in front of you. That being said the track still a dangerous place and people still get hurt but at least you won't get run over by a car. and you can refine your riding skills in a controled way
You for real?

If I went 100mph every time I threw a leg over my bike I would have been sentenced to jail a long time ago.

You want fast?

Bring you & Leon to the track & I will show you what fast is :cheer:
You for real?

If I went 100mph every time I threw a leg over my bike I would have been sentenced to jail a long time ago.

You want fast?

Bring you & Leon to the track & I will show you what fast is :cheer:

hell ya if you and Leon think 100 is fast wait untill you it 150 down a long strait !
hell ya if you and Leon think 100 is fast wait untill you it 150 down a long strait !

Lets start with 120 (200+kmh) into turn 1 at Eastern Creek with your knee on the road.

Surely this thread is a gee up?

Doin 100mph EVERY TIME you ride? Thats 160km right?

You would either be dead or in jail.

Take your awesomeness to the track mate :thumbup:
Lets start with 120 (200+kmh) into turn 1 at Eastern Creek with your knee on the road.

Surely this thread is a gee up?

Doin 100mph EVERY TIME you ride? Thats 160km right?

You would either be dead or in jail.

Take your awesomeness to the track mate :thumbup:

I think 120 is a great start hell the max I get is 140 at my local track.
Exaaaaaaaaaaaaaaactly my friend! Most of us do not have a track nearby to "vent" on. I have been riding for over 40 years and the one major mishap I had was when a big truck tried to mate with my bike head-on, (in slow city traffic). I appreciate your honesty.
Merry Christmas!
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I say SPEED! SPEED all you want. If it's not your speed that gets you, it's the old lady who shouldnt be on the road anyway making a left hand turn in front of you. I love speed, I speed all the time. Everyone on here will hate for doing it on a public street, but everyone here has also done it themselves. Enjoy your life, you only get one, if your gonna die, do it to your self! Ride hard!
I can't say that I advocate it, but if you are familiar with the road and can see for a good distance down the road youll be fine. Just remember to practice your emergency stopping from whatever speed you are going to travel. I have been to many motorcycle crashes due to riders not knowing the road and riding too fast for road conditions. I would recomend at least making one pass on the road then making your highspeed pass. :rockon:

Try to make sure there arent any cops around, if we see you we have to stop you; and that sucks.
I'd prefer the twisties on Cherohola highway or Deals Gap but in south Florida it doesn't happen often. I do look forward to being first in line on the FZ at red light with my Scorps.... I can wind it up in first and second, hear the roar, get to 80 real quick and back off....

Now I had a customers/friends bike, a B-King 1300 I had to put some aftermarket pipes on and some other goodies. He was leaving town for a week and asked me to ride it as much as possible and break it in. SURE!!!! Now that bike would get you in trouble friggin quick. Second gear to 100 and sound great doing it. It'd lift the ft wheel, 2 up at 75MPH. I couldn't hold the throttle WFO in second past 8,000 RPM as the bike's forward G force was THAT MUCH!!! I loved that bike, and could afford it (not as comfy as the FZ and heavier) however I'd be dead in a week or loose my license. It would eat my FJR which is 145HP.

I do look forward to being first in line on the FZ at red light...I can wind it up in first and second, hear the roar, get to 80 real quick and back off....

I'm guilty of this too. It's a great feeling to know you can smoke anything out there. I don't know about taking it to 80 (depends on the road) but doing 0-60mph in a snap is fun.

A skilled rider can turn, stop, and go faster than anything on the road. I use the analogy that riding on the road is like being on your feet while everyone else in a car is on their hands and knees. It's easy to just side-step, run, stop, etc. while everyone crawling in their car is so limited. The price to be paid for that is much higher, and room for error is much lower. That's why in most cases, it's just not worth taking big risks...
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