Riding day, (long post)


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Aug 12, 2007
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Lou, Ky
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After looking forward all week long for Saturday to arrive, 7:30 finally arrived bright and early this morning. My wife agreed to go on a ride with me, look up my previous posts anything to do with my wife, and you will see she was against my bike from the start, and after much bitching, griping, threatening, etc she finally conceded to me having my bike. This day was special though, because, we bought her her very own helmet!!!. Which makes her totally compliant and complicit in my bike purchase. Before I get too far ahead, let it be known that we didnt ride my fz6, however we rode my dads kawasaki vulcan 900. Only because we needed the storage space for our cold weather gear. It was pretty cool starting out. Once we left the house, we headed to the bike shop where I got her helmet, I thought she was a XS size, in fact she is not the delicate flower I thought she was, she needed a large. No prob they switched us out and we were on our way. So we went from Louisville Ky, to clarksville Ind for the helmet switch, then headed out to Bloomington Ind. In all we rode 220 miles together. Our stop in Bloomington was at a place called Lothlorien, its part of ELF LORE which is a bunch of land that is co'opped to share with everyone as a nature preserve. Basically you have a bunch of naked or half naked hippies and pagans running around playing drums and selling cool head shop stuffs. Now, my wife is a very conservative lady, coming from China. This was total culture shock for her. I mean, men and women running around skyclad??? She was shocked but she was able to deal pretty fast and we had a great time shopping and hiking some trails. When we got back to Louisville and good ol home sweet home, she had to go to work, so I felt so bad to have left out my sweet ol fz6, I did another 80 miles on my sweet sweet fz6. Coming off a kawi vulcan vtwin to my fz6 was stark in contrast. Heavy, combersome, somewhat underpowered to a light as a bird, screaming banshee, nimble as a kentucky derby winning thoroughbred horse. Man this was a good day. I hope you all have a great Saturday and you made some great memories too. :Sport: Happy happy, joy joy!!
Glad to here you folks had a good time. I took the Sporty out out for a ride early and came back to meet the kids where we spent the rest of the day in the dirt. Tomorrow the misses and I are going for a ride on the Sporty and if the weather holds I'll drag the FZ6 out on Monday.
Sounds like a good day. Never heard of these full/half naked folks dancing in the forest though....a few pics would be a nice addition to the storyline next time. Doubt my wife will ever even sit on mine in the garage. We're just now getting back to semi solid footing nearly two months after the purchase LOL. Thanks for sharing
Sorry bout the lack of pictures, however I thought taking pics of naked folks in an environment of unanimity and trust would have been a violation. I did want to relate something else that struck me as funny. Wife and I pulled into a mcdonalds to take care of some biological needs. While i was waiting for my wife , a guy on a harley pulls in next to me. He has jeans, a wife beater shirt and a lot of facial hair, no helmet. He go's into the mcdonalds, apparently for the same reason, cause he is in and out pretty fast. Well, I have my joe rocket riding pants and jacket on, my heavy steel toe slip resistant ankle high boots, riding gloves, and of course we had our full face helmets on. He makes a comment about why were wearing all this gear on such a pretty day. I simply said to him, ... Sir, I have an acute allergic reaction to asphalt at any speed over running. He gave me a queer look and got on his bike and took off. LOL not in any way am I judging him for not wearing gear, so please, flame off about that.
She rode with me on my fz6 last fall, and said she liked it, but she didnt like the fact that I "ride too fast" which is anything 1 mph over the speed limit. Only have that problem a few times on the kawasaki because its not really a **** and get kind of bike.