Riders Guide to Demo Survival


FZ6 Naked Epiphany
Jan 29, 2008
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There are about 4 demos going on in central London to coincide with the G20 summit (read Some Eat out dough LOL).

Anyway was just thinking of things that as a rider I need to do to survive the demo scourge. And because I had not fallen into the scuffles here is a my small list.

1. If you usually carry a back pack, leave it at home and make sure you have your protective gear on you. Ensure that you are putting a high Viz jacket especially.

2. Keep your ears open for any trouble that is brewing on the news websites (which seem to be fanning the demo fever IMO). http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7973178.stm

3. KYC, to bastardise the banking (Know Your Client) acronym mine here means Know Your City. Ensure that you are familiar with the roads around where you work and have a plan of the different routes that you can take to get home for that home cooked meal. Google now comes with street view so you can check parts of your route.

4. This is the time when your riding skills should be at their top. Remember to use Seek, Evaluate, Execute. All that pain you endured learning the slow motion and the quick start-stop maneuvers might be rewarded (hopefully not)

5. If you are a believer then pray to your God or gods or whatever the case might be. If you are not a believer then today is one of the days you and you alone have to believe in your self and your skills in case of trouble

6. Remember to enjoy your ride as always because if you are tense you fail to spot anomalies.
Just found your post while searching for 'London riding'. I'm on a course on Monday 11th up in central London, Moorgate area. I've never ridden in London before. Have you got any tips? Or should I just get the train?

Thanks in advance!
