Ride To Work Day


Junior Member
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Baytown/Mont Belvieu, TX
Well, I'm still motorcycle-less, but I'm trying to publicize anyway: Monday, June 21st is the 19th annual "International Ride to Work Day". I suspect many here are daily riders, but if your motorcycle is a weekend vehicle and you haven't tried commuting on it, Monday would be the day to give it a try!

My son's Ninja 636 is in my garage, so I think I have the right to borrow it. :cool: Not sure I'd want to regularly ride a bike with clip-ons on a 36 mile (each way) commute, but just to increase the number of motorcycles on the road for Monday, I may do it. (And when he said he needed to leave it at my house, he suggested that I could ride it once in a while.)

Ride To Work Website
If the weather behaves, I will ride to work that day!! Thanks for the reminder! :thumbup:
Oh man..I have Mondays off. :(

Guess I'll just have to go for a ride just out of principle... :D

Thanks for the reminder though. :thumbup:
I ride my bike every day, unless its downpouring - however, my wheel fell off my ford explorer 2 weeks ago (yes, WHILE i was driving it), so my fz has been my only source of transportation since then.

So of course I've ridden every day for 2 weeks now, rain or shine. I think its safe to say I will be riding the fizz to work on Monday.

Thanks for the heads up though! I'll definitely spread the word.
i rode today but forgot about this day anyhow. i ride to work whenever the weather lets me and today it just happens to be in the 80's and beautiful out.:rockon:
i rode today but forgot about this day anyhow. i ride to work whenever the weather lets me and today it just happens to be in the 80's and beautiful out.:rockon:

I'm so jealous! We are in a MAJOR heat wave here in St Louis, and thunderstorms (violent ones) nearly every afternoon. I only got to ride to work once last week, and this week is not looking good M-F, or this weekend. :(
It's sunny, I rode. :)

Didn't know it was "ride to work day" but I ride anytime I can get to work dry and there are no thunder/lightning storms forcast. I don't mind getting home wet, I do mind feeling like a lightning rod. :)
I purposely didn't ride to work today, as my building only has four MC spots in front, and there's four of us who usually ride.
Of course, only one bike parked there all day today... :rolleyes:
How do you ride for a living, you lucky dog??? Details, please!! :Flash:

I escort funeral processions. I have a former CHP BMW. The company I work for contracts with funeral homes and we provide the escorts. Interesting work and fun. We don't deal with the grieving families much, so that sadness is not part of my day to day life. I've been doing it part time since '07 and went full time in January of this year when my full time employer cut my pay by 16.5%. I did the math and found that I could make as much doing the escorts full time, without the stress or long hours. So I made the switch.

Downside-We ride no matter what the weather. Granted we are in Nor Cal so we don't get real winter (I have lived inMontreal and rural New Brunswick Canada, so I know what winter is) But we do get heavy rain and wind storms. One time this winter I called a ride off do to weather. It required a 40 mile freeway each way ride to the funeral, with the actual processin in between. Heavy rain and wind to the point I could not see, nor maintain a lane. That was fine, my boss rides too and understands. He was short that day locally so I ended updoing two rides locally with no freeways that day.

All in all, best job ever.
I'm so jealous! We are in a MAJOR heat wave here in St Louis, and thunderstorms (violent ones) nearly every afternoon. I only got to ride to work once last week, and this week is not looking good M-F, or this weekend. :(

She's right,, heat wave....it sux