Ride in North Holland, Sunday 16th November


They say most of the forum member are not able to speak the world language Dutch. I wonder why?

Great to see another red one fron the area.

I hope to see you soon,
Or do I have to speak English here?

Philippe :welcome: to the forum. It's great to see another Dutch speaking guy here, especially when he rides the faster red bike ;).
You could introduce yourself here if you want, and tell us a little about yourself.

This is an English site so all posts should be in English, this way everybody who wants to can join in, this also includes the social group

You can PM (Private message) me (or one of the other guys).
in Dutch if you have any questions or just want to chat :thumbup:

Hope to see you sometime next year, I'm sure we can get a Holland/Belgium ride going.

Ride safe :Sport:
So are there people here that go to the motorbeurs Utrecht? I recently saw an announcement on motorfreaks. It appears to be the 25th edition. I'm still not certain to go myself but I'm considering it. It is 3 hours riding for me though, I live in Ghent so...
So are there people here that go to the motorbeurs Utrecht? I recently saw an announcement on motorfreaks. It appears to be the 25th edition. I'm still not certain to go myself but I'm considering it. It is 3 hours riding for me though, I live in Ghent so...

I started a new thread for this topic, look here :thumbup: